Dan and Nick exit the dance floor run across the street and up the fire escape to Nick's apartment. Just a little trashed. They bounce off the wall just in time for Nick to take a leak.
There was no way I was going to take a leak in that place.
Dan joins in sharing the toilet as both young men check each other out.
Nick - Is that normal or are you turned on?
Dan - That was normal now it is turning on.
Nick - Ever do gay stuff.
Dan - Ninth grade a gay friend and I for about a month. After that I had enough experience and started hitting on girls.
Daniel and his girlfriend Julie and they have been sharing an apartment together for two years. They are talking marriage, and kids three to five years from now. They both work in the healthcare industry. Julie just got her RN License and Dan works as a EMT.
Nicholas has been an EMT with a different company for three years. Not only did he switch to working for the same company Dan does. A week later thanks from a tip from Daniel. Nick is also moving into the apartment building one floor up and across the hall. Daniel now gets a ride to work on the back of Nick's motorcycle.
Then Julie gets moved to 8pm to 5am in the emergency room. Daniel works 8am to 5pm Both get an hour break. Julie gets home and cleans up from work as quietly as possible. She gets in bed just in time to wake Dan up. He does the same thing when he gets off work. The conversation continues...
Nick - I am a gay friend.
Dan - no, no no. You never said you did gay stuff. Bro I had no clue. I thought you were into Sara at work.
Nick - She is the only one that knows I am gay in the world, and she helped get me the job. So, kiss me.
Dan - Damn Bro slow the hell down awe... fuck...
Nick takes a keen and the two young men engage in gay stuff right there in the bathroom. Five minutes later they take it to the bedroom. Dan woke up at 3am. Slipped into his shorts and went downstairs to his apartment. He showered and when to bed. Julie was late getting off work. She did show up until Dan had turned off his alarm and was making coffee.
Dan - Morning babe how did work go?
Julie - Dr. Davis and I fooled around in his office after my shift. He married not sure why I did it, but it is probably going to happen again.
Dan - He is forty-five married with kids and hits on everyone. So, this makes us roommates or what?
Julie - I care about you, I want you in my life. Just maybe not for marriage any time soon.
Dan - I got to get dress for work talk to me in the bedroom. Questions... should I tell my parents we are not getting married, we have broke up, we are just friends, temporarily roommates.
Julie - Is there an all of the above? I'm sorry don't look so sad.
Dan - Not sad just confused. I am thinking about my next move. I love you too, I want you to be happy too. Our hours suck and we have no life as a couple. It is like our fate is no longer tied to each other, our paths just crossed and we learned and now we move on.
Nick - TEXT - Can I give YOU a ride
Dan - TEXT - Yes ...two minutes max...
Julie - Is that your ride?
Dan - I will see you later take care.
Julie - Later, Sorry
Dan takes take the fire escape down to back of the building. He clime's on the back of Nick's bike. The two take off for work for what will be a busy day. A major wreck on the 215 the two get stuck waiting way too long getting a young man admitted. Nick made an attempt to bring up the night before.
Nick - I had a wonderful time last night. Thanks.
Dan - Gay stuff as a adult was a lot different than gay stuff as a kid. I had a great time and it has me a bit freaked out.
Nick - I don't understand because of Julie.
Dan - No because of me. I liked it more than I thought I would. I never really pictured myself with a guy before. But for over an hour last night I was perfectly fine being gay, I loved being gay, I wanted to be gay with you. We were buzzed both we both knew what we were dong I can't use the too much booze excuse.
Nick - I can, I avoid straight guys and I had to be drunk to fool around with a guy I work with and lives in the same building. I normally don't risk my employment and housing over hooking up with someone. You were supposed to reject me not take me up on the offer. Now what do we do?
Dan - Do you want to hook up again after work? We can see what we are like without the alcohol?
Nick - Friggin A bro what about the whole girlfriend thing you got going?
Dan - After last night I think I like you better.
Nick - Family restroom second door on the left. Given me five minutes and I will show you what love is.
Dan - You're on. I can't wait until after work either...
The Bromance - Story Time Blog