The summer after graduation while most were looking at college campuses. Two recent grads were spending it on the beach. After seeing each other three days in a row. Scott was too curious and wanted more information why Dustin was at the beach so much. He is not surfing, he is just hanging out in a van.
Scott was captain of the swim team a straight A student, and an avid surfer. He dated two girls while in high school. Rumor has it that he is still a virgin because the two girls are known to be.
Dustin was a stoner a C student part of the drama club and currently kind of homeless living out of his fathers Van. His father was arrested three weeks ago and Dustin has no idea where he is at. His disappearance was shortly after Dustin told his dad he was gay. The electricity had been turned of at his house. He is afraid to call his mother she will insist he move in with her Illinois.
The waves hit early and then died Scott heads to shore and sees Dustin getting in his van with some guy. Maybe it was his dad. three minutes later Dustin is at his car and changing out of his wetsuit and into shorts. The heat was starting to climb with the sun. The door to Dustin's van opens and the two come out after ten minutes inside. They bump fist and the older man walks to the other end of the parking lot gets in a car and drives away.
Scott was so busy watching to see where the man went he didn't see Dustin walking up from behind and from the left. Scott turns to grab his shirt just as Dustin takes it. Sprinting back to his van. Scott locks up his car and follows.
Scott - Give me my shirt back dick head.
Dustin - Only if you smoke a joint with me jock boy.
Scott - Just a few hits I have to drive home at some point.
Dustin - Sweet close the door. Here it is not the best but it will get you high.
Scott - So are you selling pot on the beach?
Dustin - Pots legal is no one sells pot on the beach.
Scott - What's the deal with the man that just left? Why does the van smell like sex?
Dustin - Damn bro, mind your own business. Why are you staring at me like that?
Scott - If you are doing gay stuff for money I can pay you too?
Dustin - What you do gay stuff? You can't be that desperate.
Scott - I have always been gay. No one ever asked. It's why both girls I dated promised to wait for marriage.
Dustin - Bro I need four hundred and sixty three dollars to get the utilities turned back on at my house. My dad has been missing for three weeks. I am making money but I am spending it on food and gas. I have made over three hundred bucks but only got about one sixty left
Scott - What do you mean your dad has been missing for weeks?
Dustin - I told him I was gay and he started drinking. He went out Friday night and never came home.
Scott - You need to file a missing persons report with the police. Like right now. Dial 311.
After three calls Dustin found out his dad was in jail, and he was able to sign up for visitation that evening. His father thrilled to see him. He made arrangements to give Dustin his wallet and cell phone. He would have access to pay any bills due. More important a call to a bail bond company his father should be out within thirty-six hours.
Dustin and Scott take the van to Scott's house so he can do some laundry. The two young men now alone in Scotts bedroom find the opportunity to do gay stuff with each other. It was so obvious they had a crush on each other. The two young men after twenty-four hours finally make love for the first time.
Dustin would follow Scott to college and work to help support them both in a one bedroom condo they would make a home. A visit back home at Christmas would reveal their relationship to friends. The two guys no one knew were gay. The jock and the stoner guy hooked up to live happily ever after.
Their Appearance - Story Time Blog