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The Private Part - Story Time Blog

Writer's picture: Lenny De ForgeLenny De Forge
The Private Part - Story Time Blog

It was five thirty in the morning and he might as well been naked. I was making a pot of coffee and he was making a cappuccino. I sat down at the counter and took a sip of black coffee, no cream no sugar.

I watch him prance around showing off his junk. Those little thin shorts are all most see through and tight like a second skin. I can tell he shaves everything.

I know my wife won't be up for two hours. I say come over here boy. I pull the string on those little shorts and help them fall to the floor. He smiles. Scoots my coffee cup to the side, and and with on leap he takes a seat on the counter in front of my bar stool.

Troy - For a closer look... he whispered...and winks. Go ahead check it out.

I am in fact old enough to be this young mans grandfather, but thank God I am no relation to this young man. I am however a Navy man and have on occasion had sexual relations with other men. My wife stop providing assistance and begged me to find it else where without a divorce. She like the idea of man because she knew I would stay in the closet about that. As compare to risking me finding another wife. Lucky me everything still works, but I jizz less than a mouth full.

Right there on the counter I service this young man over over three minutes before he finally gave into to me. He hops off the counter and cleans himself up. Then does me the favor I just did him. Sadly in under two minutes he is extremely good at what he does and I am extremely old. No real clean up required thank you.

He retrieves his shorts and prepares washes his hands and prepares breakfast for my wife and I for later. I ask him how his classes are going. He says fine he thought it would be harder. People are just not friendly, or they just want something from you.

I get a chill thinking of our arrangement and what we want form each other. He picks up on it.

Troy - I love you old man just the way you are. So, don't let your age fuck with my love. This is not about the sex. You are one of the lucky few I feel safe enough to do gay stuff with. It is one reason I keep come back here every night and call it home. We are a couple and no one needs to know that but us. Tell me you love me.

Me - I do love you Troy.

How this happened ...

Three years ago Troy a senior in high school stopped by to tell me his father was in some trouble and had disappeared. They were about to turn off the lights at their house and this was three months before graduation. He was legally an adult and a football running back, that took a guy to the homecoming dance. It made the papers.

His father Joe worked for me when I had the only drug store in town. Twenty years no competition. It made me rich enough to be able to retire at fifty-three. I sold it to CVS. I bought property when it was cheep and no one want to live here. Then that changed and we went from town to the City of ... That was huge. Joe started working for me out of high school. I helped him join the Navy which Joe blames for getting him doing gay stuff. He gets out I give him a job as night manager. He falls for a pretty young lady who was a regular customer. The two get married and have a kid Troy.

I suppose there was no real chance for advancement unless I died. Joe was getting better offers from some not so responsible people. The trouble Troy was referring to was some kind of coelution between the people with the booze and under the table payments gave you a discount. For example I will right this twelve hundred dollar invoice off as breakage for a thousand in cash. Now I have the booze and my copy of an invoice for twelve hundred and the thousand bucks I was off in petty cash is now over two hundred.

The issue was the breakage was starting to be a problem on the books. The feds start to investigate, and people start to disappear. I was worried about Joe. We were both hoping he would just show up out of the blue. That was so much better than thinking the worse. Troy was just like his dad but born with an awesome dad, he was destine to be gay. The two of them were always together unless Troy was in school until he was fourteen. That's also when Joes job got dangerous.

I set Troy up at my house and helped him finish high school. He got accepted on a state scholarship to attend the local state college. I paid for four all four years at todays prices in advance. He has no excuse not to attend and do well. He did a tour of living in a dorm. Being gay was an issue and the could only assign rooms not roommates. You are welcome to meet them and see if being gay is a problem. Troy declined.

He wants a job to earn money to help with his expensive. He cooks and prepares three meals a day seven days a week. He gets two days off so, Friday he prepares for three days. it's simple stuff. Cold boiled shrimp, and different salads, and even delivery. Not that it matters he goes to classes, the grocery store, and comes home. My wife know he is her hired care taker, and only sees him dressed in hospital scrubs. Breakfast before classes start and morning meds. He comes home for lunch and normally has two more classes afterwards. Friday's are weird or on line.

I know how did the sex start? He got me snockered one night on Kalua' and a splash of milk and gave me a blow job. It was fun, and I explain I did the same back in the Navy. It just became a thing we would do. He always starts it, he knows how to pull my strings.

Now here's the guilty part... Is he as together as he seems to be with his reality. No since that he owes me his servitude in exchange for mine. It is mutual attraction due to circumstances. It is limited gay stuff. I was in the Navy never gay. My wife had six miscarriages that's why she begged me to stop.

Troy has social issues and he is way too pretty not to be gay. He attracts attention, and then trouble for some unknow reason. I love him dearly and he could leave tomorrow and I would be happy for him. He will always be family. A little less than two years from a degree, he wants to get a master in clinical social work. If he could manage to keep his grade where they are at right now. He could get a free ride, paid by the state and a job when he finishes.

So, evil old man that I maybe, I am having a gay designer and his crew come in to give the whole house a make over. He wants to film it for a tv show make over. One way or another I am going to give him a chance to meet other gay people in a controlled and safe setting of his home. Who knows the another underwear model.

The Private Part - Story Time Blog


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