Paul - His message to everyone and everything is love.
Claude - Even to a Roman like me.
Paul - I love who I love. He does not judge me for who, maybe sometimes for why?
Claude - Like too much red wine you have spilt some.
Paul - Let's leave this place, a bath perhaps? Let me love you tonight.
Claude - I have a place we can go do you want to say goodbye to your friends?
Paul - I will be right back...
Claude - Are you ready?
Paul - He said you have a good heart, that you said a prayer for your mother.
Claude - She has been sick for a while, she suffers.
Paul - He said she will be fine by in the morning.
Claude - Did he give you a idea when? That will tell us how much time we got.
Paul - Claudius Mac Menara are you taking me home to meet your mother?
Claude - Sure, Paul ... I sure she will love you too.
Paul - Was that you saying you love me, without saying? I love you Claude.
Claude - I love you Paul.
The Message - Story Time Blog