Billy was starting his third year of college and having problems with the ladies on campus. He even rented a very nice condo on campus last year to improve his chances. It did get him more dates, but not one sleepover.
His next door neighbor Jimmy was a incoming freshman. Jimmy was an adopted 19 year old out of the closet gay guy. Spoiled by his two gay dads Jimmy's extra bedroom was a weight room and watching the movers move everything in was on Saturday was exhausting.
Billy decides to introduce himself and offer to help. The two dads conduct a quick interrogation. Distracted due to Billy not having a shirt on, and only basketball shorts, with an emphasis on only. By the time they are done Billy has their number and has been offer an reward if he acts as Jimmy's personal bodyguard. The two young men get introduced and as it turns out they are both looking at a ending with an engineering degree in Computer Science. Bill has info on all the classes Jimmy has signed up for. The two dads finally say goodbye and the two young men are unpacking the kitchen. Everything is brand new and straight from Target.
The guys bake a pizza and Billy brings over a six pack and start talking classes, professors and schedules. Then the subject of gay stuff comes up.
Jimmy - You should sleep over, that way my first night in my first apartment I am not alone.
Billy - Bro that's a little gay grow up, be a big boy.
Jimmy - I just wanted to returning the favor for all your help you should get some kind of reward. Didn't you ever do gay stuff growing up?
Billy - Yeah, gay stuff happened but I didn't do it and I was just a kid that was damn ten years ago.
Jimmy - It's 2024 I am pretty sure you can have a sleepover. The only other thing you have to do is enjoy it and cuddle. How long has it been?
Billy - Fine but if this gets too weird I am leaving and we still stay friends.
The boy's go check out the condition of the bedroom. Turns out the two dads had put sheets on and thin mints on the pillows. Jimmy explains he was getting picked on for being gay at a foster home, and two gay dudes wanted to adopt. I was a sissy and they make me start bodybuilding. They insisted I pick a sport, so I did track, and swimming. How to raise a gay kid they are writing a book about it.
The two young men get naked and climb in bed. Gay stuff happens and intensifies. Several times before they got out of bed the next morning the two young men made love. Billy's head was swimming in a mush of gay pleasure, and lust. The best sex ever was repeating over and over in his head. followed by ... There is no way I am gay. There is no way I am gay.
Daddy one and two are texting... How did your first night alone go? What do you think about Billy? He seems like a nice guy. Video conf? Zoom us? Brunch?
Jimmy texts back - Noon on Zoom and the two of them have thirty minutes. Jimmy wants to try out his new cappuccino machine it just like his fathers and OMG Billy was at Starbucks every morning last year getting coffee and checking out females. Jimmy sets up his laptop in the kitchen on the counter.
Dads- Good morning
Jimmy - Morning daddies. I had a awesome first night. Thanks for asking. How was it at home without me there.
Daddy one - The dogs are freaking out. Donald is sitting in the doorway to your room, and Melania is downstairs waiting at the front door for you to come home or the dog next door.
Daddy two - So what did you think of Billy he seemed nice for a redneck straight guy.
Jimmy - We were talking about classes he thinks I should switch a few around.
Daddy One - Did you guys fool around? You are acting a little girly this morning you guys didn't....
Daddy Two takes over the screen turning the camera towards him. I knew something was up when you did not answer the first few texts. He's not still there is he? He can't hear us can he because I want details. I thought he was straight. He said he was straight.
Billy's phone starts ringing off camera, and it's daddy one calling and the boys were busted. Now everyone is on camera.
Daddy One - What the hell happen you were straight yesterday Billy.
Billy - It was Jimmy's first night alone excuse and an offer of gay stuff in exchange for cuddling. Gay stuff wasn't supposed to feel that great and it had been forever. Your son is way too good at this. I am assuming that is all your guys fault.
Daddy Two - I trust you are not implying anything weird. So now what? James Kent Clark tell your fathers what is the plan. Have sex with every hot straight guy you meet.
Daddy One - They medically can't replace butt holes at this rate you need a new one before you graduate.
Jimmy - Calm down one and two. Hey I will be the first to admit I seduced my hot neighbor for a variety of reasons. The fact magic happened on my first sleepover, just means we both needed it. We are two grown adults and we can figure out what comes next. Right now we are best friends with benefits. We have zero clue if anything will ever happen again.
Daddy Two - William Butler if you do gay stuff with my son in the next 72 hours you are officially gay and need to be versatile. Are we on the same page?
Billy - Yes sir? We have a lot to talk about and I am just as freaked out or maybe more so. I like your son a lot and promise I will never do anything to hurt him or make his life more complicated, or difficult.
Daddy One - Sex complicates everything, you both have our numbers. We are here to answer questions. Billy call me, I can talk you through this. I was straight before I was gay.
Jimmy - Omg here we go. Welcome to the family Billy and I will call you two later tonight. Signing off.
The boys shut down the laptop and get quite. Three minutes of awkward silence.
Billy - This is me admitting I loved what happen last night. I am not sure how I feel about what happen. I just know for a fact I want to do it again with you. You make me want to be gay bro. Does that make me gay like you?
Jimmy - My dad say it is when a straight guy comes back for seconds he is not that straight.
But until a straight guy bottoms he is not totally gay or in love. It matters if you still do it with females or not.
Billy - I just love making out with you. You get me so turned on, like never before. I am so desperate for human contact like I said. You make me gay.
Jimmy - Do you want to do my morning workout routine in the spare bedroom.
Billy - Best friends with benefits. At the age of twenty three I am falling for my hot gay neighbor. My parents are going to freak. They blame all my mistakes on my penis.
The two young men workout for almost two hours taking turns takes twice as long. Which led to the two of the in the shower together and more gay stuff happening. Jimmy use of his tongue had given Billy something to think about. Like another sleep over but reverse rolls.
Billy suggests dinner beer, and they work up to it. He was going home to get a change of clothes, get his phone charger. In addition he called his parents and got emotional.
Billy - I am calling to say I think I am falling in love with a gay guy and I am freaking out.
Mom - So where did you meet him at, how long have you known him?
Billy - We just met, he seduced me into doing gay stuff. I the problem is I liked it way too much.
Dad - Tell me why is liking great sex a problem?
Billy bursts into tears, explaining he has no idea. His mother goes off on him in a motherly way....
Mom - We love you and want you to be happy, don't worry about what we think. I can't wait to meet the young man that turned your head.
Dad - You spent the last ten years following your penis, sounds like you are following your heart this time. We love ya kid. Go hug your boyfriend. Tell him we approve.
Billy says goodbye and attempts to not look like he was crying. With clean clothes and a toothbrush he heads back over to Jimmys.
Jimmy - Bro you look like you have been crying. Are you alright?
Billy - I told my parents I was falling for a gay guy, and they were perfectly fine with it.
Jimmy -- You seem surprised?
Billy - All this time they say I have been chasing ladies I have been thinking with my penis. Now I tell them I am falling for a gay guy, and say I am finally thinking with my heart. When actually I am thinking about giving up my ass in less than 24 hours.
Jimmy - What makes this a big deal?
Billy - That you would make me gay and then leave me to fend for myself. You are the reason I am doing this. I am not sure I could be gay with anyone else. I am just a trick, or is this special to you.
Jimmy - I have been doing casual gay stuff for five years, with about fifty guys. I have only done what we did with three different gay guys. For your first time with a guy you were awesome. I had no idea that would happen between us. I was thinking casual gay stuff and cuddling. I am open to what ever happens.
With Billy kicked back on the couch Jimmy comes over and sits on his lap, grinding his butt to the perfect position. His Basketball shorts rise from the inside out as the two young men start to make out.
Sleepovers - Story Time Blog
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