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Something Missing - Story Time Blog

Writer's picture: Lenny De ForgeLenny De Forge
AI Art Something Missing

In 2021 at the age of fifteen I lost my mother due to a drunk driver. My dad was also in the car and lost his wife of seventeen years, his high school sweetheart and his left leg from the knee down. For a while his reason for living, he seem to get better making everything about me.

It was three weeks over due and designed by a guy he met at the hospital. Jack Kelly from Champaign Illinois finally shows up. He was a few years younger than my dad but with went to the same old school way of doing things. This was more than a leg. The designed it with fiber optics through out the device showing how it moves when used. It was to improve the design of future devices. Where the ankle and the foot met looked bionic. Instead of veins tubes of wires.

Jack Kelly helps dress and undress my dad. Which he normally would do himself. I guess it makes it easier. Why can't I help? They get it his new leg on and ready to go and it takes thirty minutes to boot up and start getting readings. Dad is pissed because he wants to walk around. Finally computers start to light up. His knee and his ankle have a blue glow. There is fluid that surrounds a very advance ball joint. In theory all this will lead to a brain implant that would send an electron impulse to his leg to move just by thinking.

It was time to try stuff. Dad was nervous and freaking out but he hit's a button one the side of his leg. This is kind of like a remote and a massage chair turned into a working leg. With the help of his real leg dad stands up and stays balanced. It is robotic and helps him stand up so he does not cause damage using his real leg. Using a walker and Jack's help dad started the process. At dinner I was told the Jack was going to be staying with us for two weeks to a month. Jack want's him to take it off and dad is refusing say he can turn it off be he wants to keep attached.

Jack took the spare room next to dads. It was not until the next morning I started noticing stuff. Jack helps dad shower by taking one together. Stuff dad would tell me I can do that for myself. Jack gets a thank bud, bro, Jack. They both have the same tattoo from the US Navy and almost if not the same place on their arm. Jack calls my dad (Richard) BD it stands for Big Dick. Dad says it because he is six feet four inches tall with two legs. I'm like what? Dad says it is better than VD. We have all gone back to junior high and I am about over it.

I asked to be excused from dinner and get my drone out. I had a tree house that looked into the master bedroom. The tree and the house are gone but I am after the view. I get outside sit the drone with camera on top of the bushes outside dads window. It black and blended right in. With everything set up I go back inside. I tell everyone I am watching a movie in my room and crashing see you tomorrow. They cleaned up dinner and were in the bedroom in dad's room in twenty minutes.

This is where things get crazy. I have my drone filming a birds eye view in dad's bedroom. Dad and Jack close the door and instantly were gay and boyfriends. The reason dad insisted on keep the leg on. He wanted to try every possible sex act with Jack from a standing position. I recorded ninety three minutes of dad form the back naked, and standing legs spread while Jack changes into a variety positions, before they went to bed to sleep. Something was missing. Dad doing gay stuff. Why are they hiding this from me?

To their surprises I was up and in the kitchen when they came out of my dads room together.

Still half asleep and in their underwear. Dad seem irritated and felt obligated he needed to explain. I said I know you guys are doing gay stuff. I am thrilled you found someone. I say Dad, there is something missing. it has got to be important or why all the secrets?

Dad said fine and Jack said I am starting breakfast. The car wreck was a murder suicide and the man the drunk driver was someone my mom knew. He was trying to kill my mom and dad because my mother rejected his offer. My mother had met this man through work they had an affair. Dad found out. Mom called it off and was killed three weeks later.

My dad was devastated that my mother had let this happen. Met Jack a year after the wreck. Both in the Navy had played around with guys out of desperation. My dad was desperate it had been over a year. It was not like they were boyfriends, or this was going to be a long distant relationship. That was out of the question.

Dad said the best thing about him and Jack it helps heal over what happen with mom. Dad had put my mom on a pedestal and as hard as he tried. Mom felt like something was missing. Mom did ask questions my mother went looking for other answers. Dad said he was lost. He loved my mom but also hated what she did. He said. Something was missing for him and then he met Jack and asked a lot of questions. Jack help things make since. You were fifteen your life just changed dramatically. You would ask questions and I would answer. You just never got all the details.

I almost screamed. Oh my God that is why everyone was so weird at the funeral. That was what was the part I was missing. I could have lost you both. A reason to check guys out.

Dad explains: The problem is until you know something is missing you don't have a chance to ask the right questions. Your grandparents and I agreed to wait until you asked.

I have a question for you son? That movie you watched last night. Did you download a 93 minute video on our metered internet service? That movie just cost me thirty six dollars and I think we should all watch it. Did you see the whole move or fall asleep? Is it good enough to watch it again?

I said. Cool I will send it to the big screen TV. I would love to watch this with you guys.

Something Missing - Story Time Blog


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