Dan was having a really bad day his divorce was final yesterday. It had been over a year since he has had sex, and six months since he has been on a date. He was in and mood and looking to workout his frustrations at the gym with his personal trainer Mark.
Mark - Dan you need to calm down this is not helping you or your work out. You need a plan b bro.
Dan - Plan B..? If B is for blow job you are right I need a plan b. I am starting to think I will never get another one again. The whole reason I work out is so I don't have to pay for sex but that's not working.
Mark - Okay, you are embarrassing me let's have this conversation in the office.
Dan - What's embarrassing? Blow jobs
Once inside the office Mark closes the door.
Mark - You do realize you just complained in front of twenty guys you need a blow job. I bet about seven of those would love to give you one. So my next question is how desperate are you for a blow job or a chance to get laid? Before you answer that question after a year of being your personal trainer, you should probably know I do gay stuff myself.
Dan - No way you have sex with other guys?
Mark - Those twenty guys out there think you are in here getting a blow job. I would be careful what you say and do when you go back out there.
Dan - We haven't been here long enough, I am calm and exiting this office before people get the wrong idea.
Dan opens the door looks around and steps out into the hallway.
Mark - So, are we still on for day after tomorrow?
Dan - Tomorrow I still have twenty minutes. How about you comping me a veggie smoothy at the snack bar, and tell me how long you have been blowing guys behind my back.
Mark - What do you mean behind your back? Come in let's go...
Dan - Stupid me I though we were friends, I forgot you are just a paid trainer that let's me pour out my heart to him three times a week and I really don't know you at all. Well the important stuff like you sucking cock, while I cry about not using mine.
Mark - A orange vanilla smoothy for Dan, and on me please... Wait now you are complaining that this is my fault for keeping this relationship professional? I don't get it. Here you go...drink your damn smoothy.
Dan - Thanks for this. Actually I don't get any sex and that's the problem. I do hope you not suggesting I let some old man here blow me. I think I would rather pay some random hooker rather than admit I am that desperate. Not that I would know where or how to find a hooker these days.
Mark - Bro you are just turning thirty this year and it's got you freaking out. You have options just not the same ones as ten years ago when you got married the first time. Let's go out tonight and I will show you some of those options you got.
Dan - Go out as on a date, to a gay place or go out and try and get me laid.
Mark - All of the above. It is a date to get you laid. Is your address correct on your file on Rossmore Drive?
Dan - Yes.
Mark - I will pick you up at eight for dinner.
Mark was on time and brought with him a bottle of wine and corkscrew. Dad was dressed and very nervous. He lets Mark in and in the process a delivery driver shows up with pizza and wings.
Dan is confused and asks.... I thought you were taking me out to get me laid.
Mark - I am going to get you laid, but we need to get to know each other better first. Grab some plates.
For the next forty minutes the to men talk about everything but sex. What kind of things he did for fun. What he like best about his work as a real estate agent. What was the best part about being married, and the worse.
Dan - The pizza, wings and wine were great. Thanks for dinner I will order from them again. So, have you learned anything in the last hour that will help get me laid?
Mark - Are you all done eating?
Dan - Yeah sure. I'm good.
Mark - Can I get a tour of your house it very nice. Three times the size of my apartment.
Dan gives Mark a tour of his three bedroom house, and the finish in the Master Bath.
Dan - When my wife moved out see took a lot of stuff with her. I had no idea how girly this place was until she left. It is really weird to think of myself as single after ten years.
Mark - You should probably get naked and let me see what you have to offer.
Dan - Seriously you want to see my junk. Mark my dick is not the problem it is getting someone to use it. I thought you said you were going to get me laid?
Mark - Prove it, come on. I have a good idea from the shorts you wear at the gym. Relax were all friends and I am gay. The worse thing that could happen is what?
Dan - Rejection?
Mark - Reminder I do gay stuff that is not in my nature.
Dan - Just drop the pants... there so now what? What do you think?
Mark - It's nice... very nice... Why did your wife divorce you again?
Dan - She met another man she like better I guess. Why you think it is my dick?
Mark - Take your shirt off and lay down on the bed.
Dan - Are you going to blow me?
Mark - Do you want me to?
Dan - Sort of, I don't have to do anything do I?
Mark - Enjoy it, communicate how it feels, what you like and don't like.
Dan - Are you sure you want to do this? I no matter what you will still be my trainer.
Mark - I am sure, you need this. relax and just let things happen.
Seven minutes later Dan was in heaven and going nuts. right on the edge then two minutes later Dan would experienced the single best orgasm of his thirty years. All swallowed and down the throat of his personal trainer Mark who was completely overwhelmed by how much did got off. Leaving them both extremally embarrassed.
Dan - Oh man, Fuck damn. How does that happen?, How did you do that? Damn I can't fucking talk. On my God... I think I could cry that was the best blowjob in my life, the best orgasm. I should be gay. Is all gay sex that great. Can any gay dude do that or are you just really good?
Mark - Catch your breath and relax and I promise I will give you another one sometime in the future.
Dan - Come up here and talk to me.
Mark lays down next to Dan on the bed. The two men make eye contact and smile.
Dan - Can I have a kiss. Please
Mark - Sure. He said giving dad a quick peck on the lips. Mark starts to pull away and Dan takes puts his hand on Dans head.
Dan - I would like to say thanks can I kiss you?
Mark - Sure. ...
Dan gives Mark a kiss that he felt in his toes and last a good thirty seconds before their lips separated.
Dan - I would love to be your friend. get to know you as well as you know me. Do you have room for me in your life? You said you did gay stuff. Do you have a boyfriend or husband?
Mark - I am a student taking classes three days a week and I work full time at a gym. I am single and looking.
Dan - Looking that's funny me too. What exactly are you looking for?
Mark - First and foremost get my degree. Then a partner in everything as couple, and where that takes us. I could see myself married possibly with children or lots of animals.
Dan - Can a blow job make a straight guy gay?
Mark - From me sure...
Dan - Do you think I'm gay? Have you always thought that? From like day one?
Mark - No I don't think you are gay, I do think you are looking for something too. I have a question... What made your divorce so hard or what did your wife do that you gave up on getting another girl?
Dan - When my ex and I got married I was the football star that married the cheerleader. After our first year in college. I didn't do a thing it was all prearranged mostly by my wife and her mother.
My family want us to wait until we got our degrees. Everyone was afraid she would start spitting out babies. Ten years we never had kids. Sex was never the issue she couldn't get enough. Turns out she was on birth control the whole time. I am pretty sure she left me for a much bigger dick.
So at the age of twenty-nine I am just a realtor that works for my father who is the Broker. There is a slim chance it could all be mine someday. But there is no fan club or adoring fans to choose from. All you get is the package, and there is no grand prize just me.
Mark - Wow that's a lot to process. How old were you when you first had sex?
Dan - On my sixteenth birthday one my friends older sister who was eighteen. Have you ever had sex with a girl?
Mark - Twice. two different girls. Guys were easier and more natural for me.
Dan - Do you like to cuddle? If the answer is yes would you consider spending the night?
Mark - Are you really going to let one blow job the first one in a year turn you gay?
Dan - Maybe it was very good, but then again a sleep over could be another opportunity to advance my knowledge in other areas of gay stuff I know nothing about.
Mark - There are dangers for straight boys that seek more. I would love to sleep over. How about we take a shower together and really get to know each other,
Dan - Yeah I think I might be gay I am getting turned on with just the thought of doing more.
Mark - Not gay you are just horny and have an gay opportunity you feel comfortable enough to take part in.
Dan - Because of one reason.... you. I am falling for you because of that blow job. Let get naked bub, I would love to take a shower with you.
Mark - What's the hurry?
Dan - If your blow job makes me fall in love with you then making love with you should make be gay permanently. Who knows maybe you will fall in love with me.
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