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Landlords and Gay Stuff - Story Time Blog

Writer's picture: Lenny De ForgeLenny De Forge
Landlords and Gay Stuff - Story Time Blog

Mrs. Miller is a maid in a casino. She and her son John have lived in apartment 301 and have for ten years. Mrs. Miller hurt her back at work and is at home collecting unemployment and mixing her medication with alcohol to stop the pain. She has been short on rent several hundred dollars the last three months.

The Apartment building is owned by a Jewish family that let their forty two year old single gay son manage the building. Jacob and his father made an agreement in exchange for free rent and a small salary. He is also not invited to family gathering, although funerals are mandatory. They keep the fact he is gay a secret, but everyone really know. Everyone also knows not to ask about him.

The money Mrs. Miller is short comes directly out of Jacob's pocket. After a month of threatening them with evection. A slightly intoxicated Jacob attempts to convinces her son Luke age seventeen in exchange for gay stuff between them he will call it even.

Luke's point he's not gay but he would let Jacob give him a blow job. They agree on forty dollars off rent for one blow job. Mrs. Miller was behind six hundred dollars which was twenty four blow jobs. They agree to one a day first thing after school and Monday through Friday. But his first one is right now and this one does not count.

Luke joins Jacob in his bedroom the two get naked. Ten minutes later Luke got off to his first blow job. They both agree that went wonderful. Jacob says stop by tomorrow just to say hello.

Saturday Morning the mail gets delivered by ten AM and Luke was picking it up for his mother. He runs into Jacob who suggest another blow job and this one would count off his mothers bill. Luke and Jacob agrees to do it again right then and in his living room.

On Sunday Luke got one first thing in the morning, he woke up really horny. Jacob was a little trashed and offered to take another 40 bucks off, but this time fuck his throat.

Luke woke up at four AM having a dream about doing that very thing and ended up having to jerking off before going back to sleep. For the first time ever he thought about gay sex. It was some gay kid at school giving him a blow job rather forcefully and maybe without a choice.

This was starting to get twisted and mess with Luke's head. Luke love the blow job but did want it to turn him gay. At the same time he needed to pay off his mothers bill. He tells Jacob he wants a raise, or other stuff he can do to earn more money.

Mrs. Gibson in 404 has two babies and her husband is station oversea. She needs the leak under her kitchen sink fixed. Jacob asks Luke if it is something he could do for fifty bucks. Luke says sure and makes the easy repair. Jacob made an invoice that showed he paid one hundred dollars for the repair to give to his dad. Then split the money with Luke.

Then they thought of other things they could do. All the tenants wanted the hallways painted in a clean white color to contrast the dark wood. they got bids from three different painting companies. They calculated the amount of paint for each floor according to the bids and organized a painting party. Where on a Sunday all the Tenants painted a section of the hallway on the floor they lived on.

Jacob submitted a bill for twenty percent less the the three bids he had got. While his father was not happy with the expense the building look great, the tenets were happy. The profit they made paid off his mothers back rent and then some. Now if Jacob wanted something he had to pay cash.

The offer was 100 bucks to have anal sex. Luke said said no way. Jacob said no more than once a week and that four hundred bucks off your rent. Luke said well maybe let me think about it. He started asking people he knew questions.

Do you think paying for sex is wrong? What about charging?

Boy did Luke get an ear full. What the landlord was doing was using you for sex. human trafficking, just wrong. Luke was freaking out he like getting blow job even though they were from a lonely gay guy, and all he has got to offer is money. Was he supposed to be lonely and horny without any help to get off. That seemed kind of wrong too.

Then apartment 202 asks for maintenance. Jacob explain to Luke it's a single Jewish lady that has something wrong with her face and lives has a recluse. She knows Jacob is single and flirts with him like crazy. Her face is always covered and he extremely afraid of her. He can't tell her he's gay because it could get back to his family.

Luke goes to find out what the problem is. The door is locked and she can't open he will have to use a master key to get in. He opens the door to the young lady saying don't come any further, I am naked.

How can I help?

My name is Rose and I was washing my hear in the sink, and my hair is caught in the garbage disposal. I had a towel wrapped around me but it feel off and is on the floor. So, I am totally exposed.

Again how can I help?

Well first when you come in don't look just hand me the towel and allow me to cover myself.

Okay I can do that are you ready?

You should know that I am transitioning from a male to a female. I have really big boobs and a penis.

Oh - Oh I am coming in... Here you go Miss.

Crying real tears - Where is my handsome Jacob? Thank you for helping me.

I am going to have to unlock that garbage disposal, which means under the sink. Excuse me scoot your legs together.

Thank you. So, when is the last time you and Jacob saw each other?

Well he's never saw me. Except now you, and my doctors. no one has. I had all this work done... well except for the obvious. Please tell me I don't have to cut my long hair off ?

A couple more turns should do it... Try lightly pulling on it...

Yes yes it working I got my hair back.

And lost your towel in again the process. Oh my god it's huge does your dick still work? Sorry OPPS.

Yes young man it works just fine. That's the problem I am having separation anxiety. 10 percent of guys chicken out and can't cut it off. I can finally go out in public as a female, but I can't pick up a straight guy cause I still got a cock and I still like to use it.

I will pay you 100 bucks to fuck Jacob with that?

The answer is yes and how do we make that happen?

He offered me 100 bucks to do it. I will have him assume the position and you then fill in for me.

You both get laid and you get 100 bucks.

Keep the hundred for hooking us up.

Weirder things have happened. Jacob is face down in bed, Rose climes on and the two fall in love. Jacob had a Jewish girl he could take out in public, and that would fuck his ass every night at home. Rose moved in with Jacob and I moved into Rose's apartment and only had to pay the utilities bills.

So, finally at the age of eighteen I felt safe enough to come out as gay and have gay sex with gay guys around my own age for free. Any one ten years older then me need to offer up some cash. It's by appointment only for lonely gay dudes that need a friend to blow on.

Landlords and Gay Stuff - Story Time Blog


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