This flyer was taped to every door in our frat house and Room 21 was Mick who due to this announcement is coming out of the closet. I think this has something to do with him and I doing laundry a few days ago. Unlike most of these Bros, I did not come with a lot of clothes and I hate doing laundry so I was wearing a jockstrap with the idea of washing everything I own in two loads. Towel, Sheets and Blanket included.
You need to understand this is Saturday at 3PM. I have already finished three beers, and was sparking up a joint waiting to move my wash. Mick walks in to do his laundry. Shirtless, shorts and zero underwear I assume he waited until he was out too. He hits the joint a few times as he loads up a washer. He sits down next to me to finish the joint and notices my jockstrap.
I stand to move my clothes to a dryer and he freaks over the front then he freaks over the back. I am high with a buzz and go grab another beer laughing my ass off. With help from the joint Mick was let's say having a very gay moment and not happy about it. His basketball shorts were revealing the issue as he was trying to hide it.
At the same time he is talking about doing gay stuff right now with me. My third year we have had two guys not come back from a break and we find out later they were gay. No one has ever hit on me before this. This time Mick makes the beer run. He also stopped by his room and picks up a fifty. The offer on the table was we go in the bathroom for a look and possible touch. I broke out into a sweat. I took his fifty and said fine bro. I had seventeen dollars in my bank account and to get more before the first requires a phone call to my parents.
The look touch feel and taste in the laundry room bathroom was extremely different for both of us. Mick turned gay before my very eyes and to both of our benefit. Then as thing get intense I realized I am not so drunk anymore. I am doing something I would never do with a lot of alcohol. I mean 5 beers and extremely in need was my only excuse. I'm poor and he paid me for sex. Was me admitting I will do gay stuff for money? I grabbed my jock and my clothes from the dryer and ran too my room in a panic.
Repeating that did not happen, that did not happen. I walk in my room throw my clothes in the closet and dive face down on my bed. My roommate who was looking at straight porn on his laptop says damn nice ass. Must be the jockstrap your butt has never look that good before. I relax slightly replied Thanks Bro. Maybe all guys are touch gay after all. Dad said I was always behind kids my age in the sex education dept. I was very happy to take a nap.
Not so happy to wake up to find Mick sitting at the foot of my bed. While staring at my butt. His legs were preventing me from standing. I asked how long he had been there. My roommate said thirty minutes. adding I got you bro. I was not going to leave you alone face down and passed out in a jock strap. You owe me.
I was allowed to stand and grabbed my pile of clean clothes to fold. Finding a pair of shorts to put on. I sit on the other end of the bed with my pile of clothes between us and start folding. Mick wanted a conversation in private.
In my head I am thinking I refused to be alone or blackmailed by him. Everyone will find out at some point. I said out loud and in front of my roommate. You took advantage of my drunken state and did gay stuff to me. While I am grateful for the experience I am not interested in it happening again anytime soon. I hope we can stay friends I have nothing against gay people. So what do you want?
He say's I just did gay stuff for the first time will you get me high please I promise to behave. Now I feel like crap and I snag a pre rolled off my desk light and pass. During this time my roommate informs me he has a few questions. Like define gay stuff a to which I said we will talk later.
Mick said After what happened he understands that he is gay finally. He said he was having sex with girls just because they wanted to. He couldn't say no because that would make him gay. Sex with girls was what guys do. Then he tells me called his parents and came out to them over the phone. He blamed it on seeing me in a jockstrap and going insane. His mother starts yelling at his dad. His dad starts yelling back. He then explains the first four years of his life his dad played in the minor leagues for two different teams. His dad only wore jockstraps. Until his career ended. Twisted don't you think. Be careful what you wear in front of tiny kids. Explaining he is officially out of the closet and throwing a party.
Everyone got an invitation taped to their door. My roommate and the two guys across the hall asked to borrow jockstraps for the occasion. I said they could keep them. I declined the invite. If the stories are true a couple other brothers also share Mick's trigger. My roommate comes back telling me the guys across the hall grabbed each other jock and if weighing its contents. they are groping each other. He ran towards the door. and our room. We have both made a pack to limit future alcohol intake until we have steady girlfriends. Discussed that maybe three years with thirty guys is enough. He is online looking at the costs of apartments for next year.
I did get an one room with private bath in a old converted hotel downtown and not too far from campus. First semester flew by and I am getting emails about graduating. I go to a job fair with other college options trying to find what comes next. There behind a student run Pride table was Mick. Bigger, blonder, tanner, and very happy Mick. It was a total transformation in eight to nine months. He freaked seeing me. He took a break and we walked around the fair together. He was in shared student housing four bed two bath apartments shared kitchen living room all three roommate were gay.
Mick said he did twelve weeks of mental health therapy and learned so much about himself in the process. He has taken up running. I said I have been focused on what I am doing next year. He asked if we could go to dinner and I said sure. Then he asked Tonight? I smiled and said alright. I suggested a restaurant he agreed to meet me. I walked away thinking that was just weird, but important if we could manage a friendship. Inside my head I admitted I loved guy and wanted him to be happy.
I got there first because I eat there a lot and got the table I wanted. He shows up with different hair than earlier more nerdy less and surfer. All smiles. Two beers two Chicken Fajitas on salad. I get the "It gets better speech" his parents transformation to become democrats. Bio's on all three roommates. He finally said he refuse to say another word until I tell him something.
I replied fine. I asked my head to stop spinning. You need to understand I was making this up as I go. I was saying things out loud I have not rehearsed or given too much thought. Stuff in the back of my head I needed to say. Out loud with eye contact.
I would like to apologize to you. I was not that drunk. I should have have punched your lights out. Fact was I was interested in what you were suggesting. You were in those basketball shorts and begging. I am so sorry I could not admit that at the time. I never helped someone realize they were gay before. It messes with my head I am afraid to have sex with anyone now.
He questions my honesty and asked So with us that was the last time. I said yes. It does not work. Mick was convinced he was the one and only person that could fix that problem. He volunteered. He argued, Then he started to beg which as what happened last time. That was the trigger turning me on.
So, I said Yes. I also explained my apartment was in the old building behind the restaurant. We were inside on the bed naked in less than ten minutes. We have been lovers ever since.
The moral of this story
It takes some guys longer to come out than others. Someone they can trust and love no matter what is extremely important.
Love is a magical mysterious secret superpower that humans have just waiting to make a similar connection making magic.
Jock Strap Party - Story Time Blog