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Home Alone & Gay Stuff - Story Time Blog

Writer's picture: Lenny De ForgeLenny De Forge
Home Alone & Gay Stuff - Story Time Blog

Billy and Eddie both went to high school together. Best friends since ninth grade. Both are drop outs from Auto Machinic Course at the Community College. They both work fulltime at a Jiffy Lube. They both get Sunday and Monday's off work. Make a little over nineteen dollars and hour with some benefits.

At age twenty they both live at home with their parents. Which also was directly across the street from each other. They also both share a secret. They both love to do gay stuff to each other when they have the opportunity. The two of the have been boyfriends behind everyone backs for over five years.

Thank God both set of parents worked on Mondays. It was the one day they could have sex all day at either of their locations.

While both sets of parents seem to question why no girlfriends? Everyone assumed with no real future at a jiffy lube why would any girl date them? All they do is lift weights, play pool, and look at themselves in the mirror, and drink beer play video games on their days off. They don't save any money. and live paycheck to paycheck.

The fact was they were good boys. They both drove the same motorcycles they got in high school. They stayed out of trouble, worked at a job and would each throw their moms a hundred for groceries every two weeks. It's not that their mothers need it, but it was say I know I live rent free thanks for feeding me.

Eddie's father drop's off his truck for service. The manager tells him he is getting transferred, his assistant manager is taking over as the new manager. Both Billy and Eddie were offered the night job. Both turned it down because they can't work the nightshift. 2pm to 10 pm they close at nine. It starts at twenty four an hour.

Eddie's dad got home and walked across the street after seeing Billy and his dad looking at his motorbike. He explains what the manager told him and both fathers ask for an explanation. Bill's excuse was he thinks Eddie should take the job, Eddie said Billy would be much better at it. He was not ready for the responsibility. Then they both suggest Henry a older man with a family to support would be better suited.

Henry did end up getting the job. Now both fathers had an issue to bitch about. What are you doing with your lives. Both boys would be turning twenty one in less then a month. Eddie was older by ten days. Both dads said they want a plan of what they are doing or they should both just move out by their twenty-first birthday.

Everyday the two young men take their lunch break at Chris's dinner. Chris is the gay son of the owner and also the cook. He was the only person in school that everyone knew was gay.

Sadly his own parents for religious reasons were clueless about having a gay son and took the wrong side of a local gay fair housing issue. Some say it was on purpose to scare Chris back in the closet. Signs in the cafe said Vote No on Two.

Chris was going nuts and it was causing issues at school. Then one night the high school drama club show up and out Chris as gay and accuses his father of hurting his own kid. That was three years ago. Over the last three years the diner has been slowly going broke and was recently put up for sale.

Chris - You two do realize you are the only two single straight guys that still come in here. Where are you going to go when we close down.

Eddie - You run this place now why don't you take it over?

Chris - My disgraced parent want to move to Florida before they die of embarrassment. They want the extra cash if they can get it. The cafe is not that much but the apartment upstairs comes it. They get the whole building not just the business. My dad is asking for a hundred and eighty thousand but he would settle for one hundred.

The two boys go back to work and despite being busy each with the own repair to do they discussed how much money they had saved and it would be an apartment close to work, with a possibility of free food. Chris is a great cook. The boy's get off work at four thirty and head back over to the diner. They ask Chris if they could see the apartment up stairs. Chris said sure right after they lock the front door at close.

It was a three bedroom apartment with an huge office or extra room. Chris was still using the bedroom he grew up in. While his parent and sister had moved out years ago after the drama club showed up.

Eddie - We have something to tell you.

Billy - We are gay boyfriends and have been for five years. We think we have enough money to get this building.

Eddie - We were hoping you would want to go in business with us to open a safe place for gay people to eat at. We want to live here, and you run the kitchen. We split the profits three ways.

Chris - Prove it. I don't believe you. I need to see you two kiss.

Billy - Like will would lie about being gay. Come here Eddie.

Chris screams like any drama queen jumping up and down. Really really queenie

Eddie - Okay we are not that gay.

Chris - Who's the top?

Both boys point to each other and giggle and in unison both say "I thought you were the top"

Chris revealed he had some money saved, and they should make an a low ball and he is sure they would take it. All three young men took the morning off work to go talk to their bank. The Bank was president was thrilled with the idea, and felt that Chris's Dad would be thrilled with the offer, and the eventual outcome.

Billy and Eddie had great credit and had manage to save over a thousand dollars a month for the last two years while living at home rent free. Day's before before Eddie's twenty first birthday they told their parent they had found a place to live and they would be moving out.

Chris's Cafe would stay open until the end of the year. Two weeks before Christmas it closed it's doors for the very last time. Chris, Billy, and Eddie along with a lot of new gay friends did a huge make over of the diner and upstairs. No permits needed. Mostly paint and updating of light fixtures. New flooring and a new sign with the new name. Just to open back up under new ownership as the Rainbow Bar and Grill now serving beer and wine. Open to the public of all ages and recognized as a safe place for the LGBTQ+ community.

Eddie and Billy called up their parent and invited them to a new years eve party at their new apartment. It was everyone first chance to see where they lived and everyone was told to meet at Jiffy lube parking lot. Then follow them to their apartment. They both sets of parents and siblings show up. They get out of the car and a conversation starts.

Billy's Dad - Look Chuck (Eddie's dad) this is progress out town has it's first gay bar.

Eddie's Dad - Chuck - The Rainbow Cafe how gay. The news paper says it is the only gay designated place for seventy five miles. Can you imagine how many gay people will be come here to hook up. it's a fucking gold mine.

Eddie's Mom - I agree gays they should have a safe place to go, but it send a signal that it is okay to be gay to little kids.

Billy's Mom - That gay kid Chris I bet did this. His family owed it and moved to Florida.

So our apartment is upstairs over the restaurant. Follow us.

Billy's Mom - Wait you rent from that gay guy Chris?

Eddie's Dad - How do you boys have keys to the restaurant?

Eddie - Come on in everybody...

Dozens of people yell surprise and then Happy New Year. Music starts and a party begins. A lot of people from Jiffy Lube, and regular customers from the gay community. Including a City council person and three people from the Bank.

The parents are extremely confused, and checking out the buffet. Billy directs everyone to a large table towards the back with a reserved sign. Everyone takes a seat asking why are we at the new gay restaurant. Chris comes by with a stack full of plates for the buffet.

Chris - Can I have everyone's attention. Help yourself to to the buffet, if you see something is out please let me know. Billy could you please get everyone's drink order and help the bartender make them. It's all on the house so enjoy.

Billy - Dad what are you drinking?

Billy gets drink orders and then he and Eddie leave to go make them. They both come back five minutes later and serve drinks as everyone returns form the buffet.

Eddie's Mom - How do you two know how to do this. Did you get jobs at a gay bar as bartenders?

Eddie's Dad - OMG three baby back ribs are delicious, that is real close to your recipe mother.

The boys return with plates for themselves and join the family.

Billy's Dad - Okay boys times up we want answers. Do you really live up stairs?

Billy - Yes dad we live up stairs there is a three bedroom apartment up there. We will show you after we eat dinner. If everyone will just give us a minute we have announcement...

Eddie and I are and have been boyfriends for a very long time. We are gay and this is us come out of the closet.

The two young men embrace to the gasps of most of the family.

Eddie - Hold on that's not all.

Eddie's dad - What being gay isn't enough there is more.

Eddie - Eddie and I bought this building with the money we saved up. Chris, Billy and I each own a third of the restaurant. We have both cut down to part time at Jiffy Lube.

Billy - So dad and dad this is our plan for our future and we could never had done it with out you letting us live rent free for so long. We could not have done this without you.

Billy's mom - I don't get it. You boys don't act gay at all. Hell you know more about cars than your fathers. That's not gay. Are you sure you don't like girls?

Eddies dad - This is your mom's b b q recipe tweeted isn't it. Someone ask Chris if he has more of these coming?

Eddie - Relax dad we have plenty.

Billy dad - How long you boys been kissing each other?

Billy - Five years dad. The plan was save some money and figure out what to do with it. Are you okay with having a gay son.

Billy's dad - Not really okay it took so long to find out but that is probably my fault. I wish you boys could have told us, but I understand why you didn't. I want you to know I could not be more proud of my gay son and his boyfriend that right now.

Eddie's dad - The whole town is talking about the place and I can't believe the two you half ass mechanics were able to pull this off. Your lives are going get crazy.

Eddie - Crazy was having to hide who you are and who you love for five years. The cool thing is now I go to bed he is always there all night long and we do have to hide it anymore.

Billy - Before we were only home alone on Mondays. Now we are together all the time. Mom if you are going back for seconds get a clean plate.

Home Alone & Gay Stuff - Story Time Blog


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