My bedroom was downstairs between the kitchen and the living room. I was laying in bed one morning listening to my parents whisper over their morning coffee.
Mother - What makes you think they are doing gay stuff?
Dad - You see the way our son looks at Chester. Now Chester is without a girlfriend and I think Bobby broke the two of them up.
Mother - Why would Chester pick gay stuff with Bobby over that pretty thing. What was her name?
Dad - Gay stuff mother. Your son is better at sex than his ex-girlfriend was in bed.
Mother - There is no bed in the shed. There is barely room to stand up in.
Dad - I know it's been a while mother but you can have sex standing up. You just spit hot coffee on me woman.
Mother - Don't make me laugh with a mouthful of hot coffee. Well there goes having grandbabies.
Dad - Now mother you know that's not true. Those two boys could adopt a house full of kids if that's what they wanted to do. I don't think Chester's father is going to be happy about ditching the girlfriend for doing gay stuff.
While he is running for City Council. Did you hear something?
Mother - God I hope he can't here us.
Dad - We decided twelve years ago he be better of hearing our breakfast conversation the our bedroom conversation during your cowgirl faze. Ride him Ride him Ride him Damn you did it again. Shush
I must have fallen back to sleep and woke up at noon four hours later. I remembered part of my mom and dads conversation, but was confused if was real or a dream. How do you ask what were you talking about this morning?
I come out of my room and check to make sure we did not have company. I run across the hall to the restroom and pee. Noon on Saturday did my parents go to Mass at noon. There is no noon Mass on Saturday. The house was too quite. A quick walk around and peak into the garage. Dad's car was gone, his truck was still there. They went someplace together.
I text Chester - Parents are gone you should come over. and Three minutes later he responds. Sex in a bed instead of the shed, I can be there in twenty minutes. just enough time to take a shower, brush my teeth, and straighten my room up and put clean underwear on.
I watching the front door, Chester will be on his bike. Next thing you know my dads car pulls into the drive way. As Chester rides by and keeps going. Which means I am to meet him in the alley, and we hook up in the shed. He did come all the way over here.
I head out back before my parent have a chance to come into the house. Chester was getting off of his bike when I arrived and the gate to meet him. Without word, a hug nothing but just disappointment he walks by opening the door to the shed ahead of me.
He turns to look back at me at if something was wrong. He shakes his head smiles as I walk through the doorway. There has been a major make over. The wheel barrel and the lawn mower were gone. There in the corner a twin bed with a with a fitted sheet and several of my old sleeping bags. Opened up to be use and a blanket of comforter.
The conversation at breakfast was not a dream. This was my parents, this was my dad giving me, no giving us permission to be gay. Telling me he knows we are doing in gay stuff the shed. and he is okay wants to make it shall I say easier or everyone.
I ran in the house to confront my dad. The look on his face when we made eye contact will be burned into my memories for life. It's like he saw the real me for the first time and I understood my father loved me because I was his son that had nothing to do with who I was attracted to.
Weird enough the truth about Chester break up was worst than anyone thought. Turns out Chester's father was having an affair with Chester's girlfriend. Chester caught them and broke up with her. He was so pissed off at his dad, he decided to to gay stuff with me. His dad dropped out of the race for city council.
I give Chester a blow job and he goes absolutely nuts. Never had one like that before. Chester wanted more of those and I was more than willing to give them to him. That is what dad and mom realized was happening in the shed.
Now all of the sudden we were given permission to take to the next level. Go all the way. Take one in the butt. Be a gay couple hiding in a shed instead of a closet. This was major Chester want to make love. We actually spent the night in the tuff shed. I was no longer the gay guy giving my straight friend a blow job. We were making out and Chester was doing gay stuff back to me. We make love three times that night and each time was better then the one before.
Within a week we had run electricity to the shed and almost living out there. Then one night was were head out to the shed and told my mom and dad good night. They said if Chester wanted to move in to my bedroom he could. Just to keep the sex noise quite. That was it Chester and I became boyfriends, a couple of gay guys for the rest of out lives.
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