I was married with two kids of my own when my parents invite me over to explain their pending divorce after thirty years of marriage. I was twenty-nine and my wife and I got married our first year of college. We had a six and four year old boys.
It came down to one issue and that was sex. Dad still wanted it and my mother did not. My mother was talking about moving in with her sister. Dad was taking about selling the house and splitting the profits to get something smaller.
A private talk with my father revealed that was currently cheating on my mother. He feels guilty for it yet he does not want it to stop. I asked how old is she was and was he thinking about getting married again. My father is an Accountant and has a lot of widows he manages money for. He said no plans to get remarried, and it's not about one person. It's about being sexually active and occasionally getting laid.
I left depressed and at a loss as if it was my job to save their marriage and I had failed. Weeks later they have me come over to explain have decided not to get a divorce. Instead to buy a six bedroom duplex. The each get a three bedroom condo to themselves yet they live next door to each other.
I ask them both... So every time my dad has a date, my mom is going to know about.
Mom - I don't care anymore. You father agreed to not to have sex with any women younger or prettier than me he can do what he wants. He deserves to have sex if he still wants to. My sister is buying half of my condo so it will be ours, not hers or mine. She is selling her house.
Me - What happens if dad doesn't stick to the deal?
Mom - He will, or we will get that divorce.
My father was sitting in his recliner with a slight smile on his face. Looking at me like I was still in high school and asking for permission for something.
Dad - Well you might as well find out now you will eventually. I am cheating on your mother with a few gay men I have met. The friendship is great, the gay sex is awesome. After not having any sex for the five years this gay sex is working out great.
Then his final thought... Don't judge you too will have to make this choice someday.
Wow... That left an impression. Then again so did the next twenty seven years of my dad's life. I never saw both of my parents more happy living next door to each other as best friends. It kept my dad active and healthy. At fifty-six my wife and moved into that duplex. Turns out I do take after my dad.
Gay Stuff at Fifty - Story Time Blog
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