They had everything they had worked so hard for. Great Jobs with the police department. Good friends, and family. Most important each other but no one else knew that part. Mitch and Eric were living as a gay couple in a closet. Legally Eric lives with his parents but paid half of everything at Mitch's Condo. No one came over, and no one ever really saw them together. They worked in different departments, and had different jobs. Then Eric got shot and with that event everything changed.
The call went out over the radio Two Officers Down. Mitch knew it was Eric's unit, excused himself from a meeting and left. Reports that one was more serious than the other. He calls Eric's mother to tell her he is on the way to the hospital.
Eric's Mom - Hello
Mitch - Mrs. Jenson this is Mitch a friend of your son's.
Eric's Mom - Is Eric okay.
Mitch - I don't have any names yet, but I am on the way to the hospital.
Eric's Mom - Wait he is calling me I got to go.
Mitch bursts into tears thinking it worked. A back up plan something happens call the mom first. Mitch met the ambulance at the hospital, and rushed in to see his secret lover. Who was perfectly fine minus three inches of skin grassed by a bullet. The second officer was shot in his left thigh and will be fine. Mitch and Eric embrace and kiss, outing themselves to the co workers and friends. Just like that they were out of the closet and officially two gay guys. News about the shooting, and the two of them coming out as lovers n the ER spread through the department.
While all the commotion of cops showing up and Channel 3 reporter shows up and snaps a picture that would end up on all the news channels. Alerting the two young men's families and friends they were in a relationship. The texts and phone messages notifications were going off for both young men every five seconds. A cop in uniform getting kissed by another man, crying, tears of joy.
Mitch's dad - hello anybody there?
Mitch - Hello dad I am here I am in my truck.
Dad - So, is that Cop you kissed on TV with you?
Mitch - Yes dad, he is.
Dad - Well Eric it is nice to meet you even if it is over the phone. I am so glad to here you are okay.
Eric - Thank you sir. It is nice to talk to you too.
Dad - I don't know how much my son has told you. I own a pizza joint and we are planning a party tonight at 7pm and your the guest of honor. You can bring up to ten friends, or family
members, please. Can you promise me you will be their and bring my son with you he can tell you how to get here?
Eric - I eat your pizza at least once a week and love it. Thank you for the invitation we will be there if I have to arrest him to get him there. I will ask my parents they are regulars. Ed and Jen Jenson.
Dad - Thursdays at 6:30 you are family. Yes you later Eric. and you too Mitch.
Mitch - I love you dad.
Dad - Love you too son, and I am very happy for you. I apologize for years of my gay jokes, I had no idea and could not be more proud of you right now. I am hanging up. See you tonight.
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