Mr. Benson was on restriction.
His family found out he was paying for sex
To the housekeeping service.
With anything for a tip policy.
They would quit their jobs cleaning.
They would be replaced.
Then still show up for work.
Of a different kind and time.
His money, their choice.
Fine they are girlfriends.
Why can't I.
Do what I want.
The family hire's Jerry.
A forty year old gay housekeeper.
A bodybuilder into sports.
He runs around in tiny shorts.
They do become friends.
Talk about the trouble he is in.
His age, his money, his family.
What Jerry will do for money.
Jerry's response was not expected.
It threw Mr. Benson for a loop.
I don't have sex for money.
I only do it for love buddy.
He says I'm straight.
I am looking for casual.
Jerry says, Your just lonely.
What you need is a boyfriend.
At nine pm on a Tuesday.
Jerry gets a text.
Do you want to be my boyfriend.
I want to try gay stuff with you.
Mr. Benson was blown away.
Falls in love, and comes out as gay.
The family is perfectly fine.
Because gay is better, than sex for money.
For Money - Story Time Blog