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Ever Since - Story Time Blog

AI Artwork - - Ever Since - Story Time Blog

I wake up to my girlfriends cell phone going off. She has been busy under the blanket trying to wake me up in my most favorite way possible. She has my full attention as I pretend to be sleeping. I just let her do her thing which she has gotten much better at.

Then my cell phone goes off which means I have now to open my eyes to see who it is. It's my girlfriends mother which also means I have to answer it. Which is now killing my favorite way to wake up.

ME - Hello -

GF - Shawn it me on moms phone did I leave my cell phone there.

ME - Sure did I just heard it go off.

I scream realizing someone else is under the covers and pull back the sheets to find my roommate and best friend staring back at me. I gasp and cover him back up with the blanket. He continues and I say.

ME - Sorry Leg cramp. I can drop off your phone at work.

GF - Thanks Babe sorry to wake you up so early on your day off.

ME - It is fine I was waking up anyway.... Bye.

I uncover my roommate again and we make eye contact.

It triggered something deep inside.


We have been boyfriends and lovers ever since.

Ever Since - Story Time Blog


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