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Controlling Interest - Story Time Blog

AI ART Controlling Interest

At the age of fifty nine, I am getting pushed out of my own company. While I admit it for the best, the right thing to do I am also getting paid a lot of money to exit. I am at a lost as to what come next. I am divorced, and a work alcoholic, I binge the news, sleep and start over. On every Tuesday at 9 pm I have a twenty minute phone call with my son James. He is in Boston attending College. In a condo I own and pay the mortgage for. It's a Friday I am eating dinner at a restaurant and remember I have a key on my key ring and if he is not home I could still get in. A five hour drive I could be there by three am.

I got there by five hitting exits for coffee just to pass the time. The place looks great from the outside. I pretty sure James was home and sleeping once I entered. I sent him a text downstairs in the kitchen. I noticed the coffee pot was set for 6:45. I expected to see him by seven. I made myself at home by going through his mail. This is when I learned my son has a roommate. Weird only because I knew nothing about it and we talk on every Tuesday. At 6:45 the coffee pot starts and five minutes later I hear an alarm for a bedroom. A small dog runs out looks at me and exits to the back yard. He returns two minutes later and jumps on my lap to introduce himself.

The very athletic naked young man comes out and retrieves a coffee cup. Follow by my son also naked stand in line to have his coffee poured. Once that is complete the coffee pot is returned. Holding a cup of coffee in one hand, my son and the other young man kiss. While the only free hand they have gropes the other persons junk.

I wait ten seconds, I cleared my throat and snapped this pic.

Controlling Interest - Story Time Blog


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