It was a select group of friends.
All started out as married men.
That had all known each other
For at least three years or more.
It was summer and tackle football.
And a lot of grab ass.
Joe - Bro you touch my junk one more time, I am calling you out as gay.
Len - Not me bro I have seen your junk.
Joe - Wait, what do you mean by that.
Len - It's way too big.
Joe - When did you see my junk?
Len - I lied, I touched it twice. it's huge.
Joe - Yeah It really likes your hand it's even bigger now.
Len - Put you hands in your pockets and walk away bro before you embarrass us both.
Joe - Wait a minute and then follow me into the bushes.
Len - I am not going to gay stuff in the bushes. It would just be my luck to get caught and have to bottom for all of you.
Joe - Well thanks for letting me in on your fantasy and letting me know you bottom. It's a short cut around to my truck in the parking lot. I was hoping we could blow this joint.
Len - Is that code for you want me to blow you?
Joe - No code but yes I do and other gay stuff too.
Casual Gay Stuff - Story Time Blog
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