Steven's father knows a secret due to his internet history at an early age. Insisting he will not have a sissy for a son he insisted work out, and play sports. Steven loved his father and being gay was disappointment enough for one fathers lifetime. Steven determined not to disappoint his father again.
Steven stayed in the closet his whole time in high school. Under strict instruction to trust and tell no one. God forbid he ever do gay stuff with someone else. He had the internet and tons of porn to look at. He could wait until college to do gay stuff with someone.
There was a no girl friend issue, his excuse to everyone was I can't risk it in high school. He can't be a baby daddy at his age. Football scholarship for the fighting Illini. People were buying it. He only dated church going virgins. Top was twenty five in his class, his father wanted top ten another possible disappointment. His counselor suggest some tutoring in calculus, and and his AP English class.
Meet University Student Tom Mobley a junior majoring in finding easy employment for the most amount of money. Tutoring rich people's children and interesting mostly females Steven would been one a few exceptions.
Tom - Nice castle where do us servants do our work. I am Tom the tutor.
Steven - Come on in and thank you for doing this.
Tom - Not a problem, so what's your hang up with calculus.
Steven - I thought that was your job to find out.
Tom - Asking you would be the easiest and most direct way to get the answer.
Steven - I hover between a B+ and and A- i just need to bump up my grade. I always miss one question.
Tom - When's the last time you had sex?
Steven - What does that have to do with it?
Tom - Your too hot to be a virgin, and your daddy is too rich.
Steven - You know my father?
Tom - I think everyone knows your father bro. My apologies in advance. No comment on I think your are hot?
Steven - My father has has decided I should remain a virgin, chance are I will get the wrong girl pregnant the first time I have sex?
Tom - How old are you?
Steven - Eighteen
Tom - So, what do you do for fun?
Steven - I play football pretty much all year. I have a coach and trainer.
Tom - I remember your story the son following in your father's footsteps. Your scored a scholarship right it's a done deal. What's the panic about the grades.
Steven - That was all arrange to help me get the scholarship as a PR stunt.
Tom - Your father played here, it's a legacy thing.
Steven - It's not a done deal. The scholarship won't be announced until mid June passed Graduation. So my grades and class placement do matter.
Tom - What about gay sex? you can't get anyone pregnant doing gay stuff.
Steven - What is your issue with my non existing sex life.
Tom - What time do your parents get home?
Steven - Thursday is 8:30 they meet for dinner out so the maid can go home early.
Tom - That gives us four hour to do gay stuff. Come on you dad is paying me big bucks, let me give you a blow job and I bet you another blow job your grades do not improve starting tomorrow.
Steven - Wait you actually do gay stuff? Are you gay?
Tom - Duh yeah, which is why I normally don't take guys as clients.
Steven - Is my father paying you to get to do gay stuff with you?
Tom - Just to be clear, you are the student, and I am the tutor. Who pays me has nothing to do with anything. I would rather do it for free. I am also gay extremely attracted to you. I am offering to doing wonderful things to your penis given the chance. You have no idea how much you need this.
Steven stood up and started to remove his clothes.
Steven - Alexa - lock the door and lower the lights. let me know if someone pulls into the drive way.
Alexa - Of course Steven.
Tom - You should lay down on the bed and relax.
Steven - You should take your close off too. Why should I be the only one naked.
Tom - No problem I like naked and you are way hotter that way too. Damn you sure you are only eighteen bro.
Steven - This is my first time naked with another person, and it's gay don't make this weird then it already is please.
Tom - Relax
This was more a welcome to the world of see what I can do with my mouth, tongue, and hands. Steven laid there being teased and tortured until he begged for him to
Steven - Please just let me get off.
and BOOM.
To be continued...
Butch Enough - Story Time Blog
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