The landlord was a forty-seven year-old pervert. Renting rooms out to single young men. Don't think about bring a girl in here. He will refund your money and throw you out.
The stud my straight roommate slash best friend. Jason is actor in his dreams. He works at a gym, If you call that work. He boasted he could get me a free membership. I found out he paid for it. Just one of many reasons to love him.
Me, I am the gay guy hiding in the closet. I mean not literally in his closet. I took off work early and came home to find this. Straight adult content and gay stuff. Now I really do fell sick.
He won't do that with me. He does not know I am gay in the first place. But he will for free rent with a creepy pervert makes me jealous, and want to throw up. Was I wrong to inform them they were busted?
I don't do gay stuff I just lay there and watch a movie. He does gay stuff to me and he is good at it. If gay guys don't do gay stuff are they still gay? What do you care if I get a discount on rent?
I was so disappointed at the turn of events and could only blame myself for not ... coming out ... more verbally about my attraction and willingness to do gay stuff with him. I didn't want to be the pervert friend.
So I came out and said I would do gay with the right person.
Please note no more than thirty minutes after my realizing this all my fault, and coming out. My roommate tells me the exact same thing..... I should have been more honest about my willingness to do gay stuff. I didn't want to be the pervert friend. I did not want to risk our friendship. You know I have a fear of rejection. I am washing my sheets and chance I could sleep in your bed with you tonight?
Only of you promise to do gay stuff.
I promise let's go.
He did not just lay there.

With the Right Person - Story time Blog