I was one of three in the conversation.
We have all secretly made out with each other.
Groped each other through clothes.
Helped each other find pleasure.
This was all in the front seat of cars.
A high school restroom and on a hike in the desert.
Twenty minute quickies are not that gay.
All three waiting for a chance to do more.
It was a three day weekend.
My parents visiting grandparents.
Will be gone for three days.
This was our chance to do gay stuff.
With parents leaving Friday morning.
A high school football game at seven pm.
We meet at my house at ten.
The party begins.
I tell my friends I want to do it.
I would like them both to do it to me.
This is not us making a porno
This is the three of us making love.
We woke up the next morning.
All wanting more and willing to take turns.
All of us gay and feeling great.
We talk about can we come out.
If one comes out does, that out the others.
Where were are parents at, besides being clueless.
Does everyone really want to do this.
Everyone agrees on one thing, they are gay.
My parents get back and I talk to my dad.
I explain I know for a fact I am gay.
He yelled for my mother to get in there.
You gay son is coming out of the closet to me.
Mom had a bet it was me and Jerry.
Dad seem to think it was me and Hank.
Freaked when I explain it was both.
And we all too afraid to come out publicly.
This is when you realize.
What you really knew the whole time.
Your parents want you to be happy.
Where ever your happiness takes you.
My house became out one safe place to be gay.
One place we could all sleep with each other.
Rotate who does what to whom.
Discover what each of us were really into.
We waited until after graduation, they came out to their parents.
Not a perfect response, but they got over it with time.
We separate for colleges, but we stay lovers for life.
Something about your, first time, first love, times two.
We made it work.
We Made it Work - Story Time Blog