Forty and divorced I live in northern Chicago and work my ass off to support my ex-wife and our two sons John at sixteen and Jesse at fourteen. They live on the south side of Chicago. I normally spend time with them on fall and winter breaks and a few weeks during the summer. It was September and I had not seen them in months when I get an emergency call from John.
The problem his mother only will buy them Walmart underwear. Fruit of the Loom? Most guys get their underwear at the mall, at department stores with designer names. I asked Like Calvin Cline? He said exactly but more current and raddles off a list of five names. I said no promises but I will look into it.
I was fully aware of how lonely I was, but not sexually deprived. I was checking out hot young men in their underwear and getting sexually turned on. How could this be happening? I have two boys I am buy underwear for. Thirty different pair I pick six designer brands Five very different pair each, at an average cost of 17 $ a brief times 60 pair and send them to my kids.
Seven days later both my son call me on the phone to thank me. They were freaking and had calculated how much that had cost me and were overwhelmed. They even said that could count for Christmas presents. It was in fact an awesome conversation.
The following day I get a Facebook notification my wife and taken and posted a picture of the boys in underwear to Facebook. Cute boys in sexy underwear went viral. Finally the post was taken down due to the unverified age of the young men in the picture.
The school called me over concerns over their mothers actions. There are even more pictures being passed around school, that other students are posting to social apps. So, far they have collected over twelve different pair of underwear pictures.
I call and talk to my wife for the first time since the divorce. She claim a friend of the boys took the picture and uploaded it and posted it to her account while she was at work. She is in a world of trouble, child services are now involved they want to interview the boys on Thursday at school.
I spoke with the boys, and asked who took the pictures and posted them to moms account. They say Carl mom's pervy boyfriend took one picture of them both in each pair. Adding he took a bunch of us naked in between taking them on and off.
My wife helps turns in Carl we recover most of the naked pics before they hit the internet, while catching some creeps he sent them to. My wife decides to give me back the house on the south side and my two boys. She is moving in with her sister.
I give my sons some ground rules to follow.
No sleepovers with friends unless you have all As.
All pictures are taken from the waist up.
And you can only wear just underwear while at home to save on laundry and air-conditioning expenses.
Underwear Expenses - Story Time Blog