Mr. Johnson - I have questions tell me the truth. Do you believe in sex before marriage?
Chris - Do you really believe God would make sex feel so great and then say only do this to reproduce? There is no way that would just be mean. He is about forgiveness and love.
Mr. Johnson - Do you think bring pleasure to another people is a sin?
Chris - Jesus said we should love one another. If more people gave each other pleasure or made loved with each other we would all be happier.
Mr. Johnson - What about all the books and teachings we have received that say differently.
Chris - It is about what is in you heart, not in your head. Your head messes things up. Some of those teaching come from the heart, some come with an agenda.
Mr. Johnson - Chris how do you feel about gay stuff?
Chris - Mike and I do gay stuff all the time. We love it. This will give us time to explore ourselves as individuals, before committing to a wife and family. Some guys are gay, and shouldn't start a family just to have it fall a part later.
Mr. Johnson - My wife does get home until after five thirty. You boys want to come inside and lose those shirts and ties we can continue the conversation over a cold beer. I keep it warm in here because I hang out in my boxer shorts I save a bunch of money and I am more comfortable.
Chris - We would love to Mr. Johnson, wow you are right it is warm in here.
Mr. Johnson - Have a beer Chris, one for Mike. You boys want to show me how two guys do gay stuff and not go to hell.
Chris - We would love to Mr. Johnson. Both our mom's don't work and with brothers and sisters. We don't get a chance to do gay stuff with each other that much.
Mr. Johnson - Now boys I happen to know the two of you are booked on Monday's at Jack Dinkins, Thursday Fred is paying you fifty each to hook up at his place. So, what am I the Tuesday after school for free beers?
Chris - Fred said we were saving him money on purchasing adult content and the cash was only for our college fund.
Mr. Johnson - What some boys will do to just to do gay stuff. Boy's I am only into watching. Unless you can hook me up with Fred? Does he do gay stuff? If you put him in a dress I think he would look like my wife. I have had too many beers don't repeat anything you hear to anyone.
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