I step out of the shower just back from the gym and I was pump up. I grab a towel and look to the bedroom. Charlie in on the bed wearing my favorite blue shorts. At the age of twenty we have been pretending to be boyfriends for over a month. I say pretending only because we have not done it yet. We do a lot of gay stuff to each other daily. For example: Butts are used for spankings when Charlie has been bad, and once by his request. Until tonight that was the only thing I could do to Charlie's butt. Tonight I get to make Charlie my girlfriend if you know what I mean.
If it's not obvious by the picture Charlie loves me because I am the man and he is the girl, a virgin, and nervous. I still naked from the shower, and drying off as I approach. I toss the towel to the side. I pick up his legs and place the on my shoulders. His cell phone was in his hand, and I said give here, and snap this pic.
He said wait a second where the hell is the romance. The build up to this event?
I take off his little grey shorts, suck on a toe, and kiss his feet. I drop his feet off my shoulders and take a whiff of his shorts holding them to my noise. I take a leap and land next to him on the bed. Both of us now naked. "Relax look at this picture I took of you."
"Yeah what about it" Charlie asked.
"It is a before picture and I am going to take one after too." I replied
The two of us start making out. Just to pause for occasional conversation or a question.
Charlie asks "What the chances I might like this too much?"
"I am counting on it, but don't stress I am going to feel the same way after this."
We lived happily after for the rest of our lives after that night. After pic one month later...

This was Happening - Story Time Blog