They thought that they had got away with something. As bad as coming out got that part was over and they had moved on. Lost almost everything. Well just the important stuff like family, and friends. Greg's aunt in New York sent the boys five hundred dollars to help them get an apartment in Springfield. One of them was going to college. One of them would work.
He sure how this happened the police were still asking questions. Greg and Kenny at two thirty am would wake up to Greg's father cocking a rifle. Screaming You naked god damn fags to get the hell out of bed. Greg's father goes into a rant bumping Kenny's chest with the butt of the rifle. We are an abomination he has come to fix.
His dad hears movement outside and opens the door. He steps just partially out of the apartment He yells come and get me. He takes a hit to his chest, and a second to his leg. He falls to ground and Kenny kicks the rifle out of his hands and then away from his reach. Out of nowhere seven swat guys show up and start securing the area.
Greg starts hyperventilating, I am looking for his inhaler and find our shorts. His front left pocket and two squirts. Now he was just crying. How does any one explain a dad that hates his kid.
My dad hated the fact I am gay, but he loved me. Hate the sin not the sinner. His dad was not going to die due to gunshots. But he was going to jail for this. Greg's mother sware's she knew nothing. Then gave us his dad's truck that was parked outside. Providing we take over the payments. A gay dude at Bank of America refried the truck into both our names. His saw the police reports and had issues with his dad. Just not that bad.
We are making this up as we go along. At twenty our lives our crazy and insane. The turck was life changing for us, as was the cost to Greg and his dad. We pay a price to be gay. Not for the freedom. Just to exist. For every step forward our spirit gets chush and we are told we don't count. Greg's Aunt shows up after what happen. She helps get us furniture and a Queen size bed. Her brother is insane but he gave us you. She loves her nephew and made such a difference in Greg. He needs a sense of family. That he is not alone.
I got a visit shortly after the story made the news here. My dad stop but to apologize and tell me he was proud of me. He said they quit going to that church. Later that year my families first Christmas with two gay people was a memory in pictures. Millions of questions possibly the entertainment. I get an email that fifteen month loan for the truck is paid off. All that time has passed. I look at the last two years and realize the price to be gay went way down this year. It does get better.
The Price - Story Time Blog