It was the only picture I had of him.
I took it from my mom at age 11 and hid it.
Growing up without a dad made me different.
Male friends were much more important.
I wanted to look just like him.
Be just like him.
Mom said I did look like him when I was little.
She doesn’t talk about him much anymore.
She said She would always love him.
She said It was time to move on.
I kept waiting to be rescued.
From a house full of girls.
By a dad that could never come back.
At seventeen I told my mom I was gay.
And I like older guys that way.
She blamed my dad’s picture.
Claimed she should have never shown it to me.
When I was little.
I explained pictures do not make you gay.
You love what you think you deserve.
The Picture of Him - Story Time Blog
