My cousin and I thought we were in major trouble when at the age of 16 my mother caught us doing gay stuff in the basement. She called my aunt who lives two blocks over.
Mom - Come get your gay son out of my house.
Aunt Helen - What the hell happen? I be right over.
The argument was who turned who gay. We were trying to explain we did think we were gay. Just horny and taking care of it with my best friend and cousin who feels the same way.
Mom called my dad at work who seemed more pissed off at mom.
Mom - How do you want to deal with Robbie and Charlie doing gay stuff with each other?
Dad - Don't make a big deal about it. Dinner our house I will cook on the grill, Chicken breast, Buns, twelve pack, wine for the mom's. Conversation.
Aunt Helen text Uncle Robert your son caught doing gay stuff with cousin. He texted back...
Uncle Robert - Don't panic or make a big deal or he will stay that way permanently. Aunt Helen was freaking and texted back Call Me.
Uncle Robert - I did gay stuff at his age. Don't panic.
I think Aunt Helen fainted, she fell back in a chair and dropped her cell phone. The smack when it hit the floor woke her up. She showed the text to my mother. Who sits down on the arm of the chair she is. She turns to her sister n law and says.
Mom - I got a good idea who with. Dinner at our house tonight. Chick breast on the grill do you want to run to the store with me.
Aunt Helen - You boys can go play but no more gay stuff until you talk to your dads.
Hours later dad gets home from work and Robbie and I are play video games in my bedroom. Dad shows up in the doorway and we pause the game.
Dad - Who opened the bottle of wine for your mothers?
Me - I did they were going to try it a blame it on me if they screwed up. I explained I should do if I am going to get blamed for it.
Dad - Thanks they are in a much better mood. So, how long have you guys been doing gay stuff?
Me - A year I guess, but we make out with girls too, but it's summer and they are not around.
Dad - You two went a year without getting caught that's pretty good. I think we are all going to the gym after dinner, so be prepared for that to happen. Dinner's at seven, Chicken Sandwiches.
Both moms were tipsy the dinner was helping them sober up and over by seven thirty. No conversation about gay stuff. With the mom's on clean up duty this outing to the gym was prearranged. The talk started the minute my dad put his truck in reverse.
Uncle Robert - So boys how do you know your are not gay.
Robbie - Because we still want to do it with girls and would if given the opportunity.
Me - We trust each other not to tell the world, there is no way we would hurt each other we are best friends. Kissing cousins. We get to practice and we are getting better at it.
Dad - Wow practice, I did gay stuff at your age because it felt good. Because I need it every day. Girls want it once a week.
Uncle Robert - Like when we first got married everyday. Then it dropped to once a week. Then once a month. Now they call it getting lucky with my wife.
Robbie - So, you guys did gay stuff at our age and you both got married and had kids.
So, it doesn't make you gay permanently.
Dad - It could but that is up to you guys. I love being your dad and I would make the same choices allover again.
We get to the gym and go inside our dads add us to their memberships. They take us through their routine but do have as many sets to give us time. Today they were focused on their legs, butt, and back. tomorrow is arms and six pack. They spend an hour and a half at the gym five nights a week. They do in fact look great for two brother at the age of forty and thirty eight. All which became obvious at he end of the workout and back in the locker room.
Dad - So after a hard workout you always want to shower. If you don't your car will smell like ass sweat. Always get naked and take wrap yourself in a towel and always hit the showers together. This is not a place you want to be alone with anyone but your best friend.
The four of us walk around the corner to find a square room with twelve simi private showers, providing you close the curtain. Dad picks a shower and show us where to put the dial to get warm water. The he hangs up his towel giving us all a view of him naked. Uncle does the same. Stepping into the shower with my father the two brothers embrace. We watch the plant a kiss that made all four things grow enough to blow our minds. OMG this will stick in my brain forever. Dad and Uncle stop to look at us both.
Dad - Get your own shower boys and closed the curtain you got twenty minutes.
Permission to do gay stuff, and thanks to our dads a time and place we could do gay stuff at without mom's interference. Conversations that girls were about wife's and families and that was forever. Having a best friend, a brother, or cousin to do gay stuff with get you though to the next time is for some guys a necessary part of daily life. fact was you could do this for yourself. It is just much more pleasure when you do it together. Our dads had been doing gay stuff all their lives as brothers. Who said you can't have it both ways.
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