Because my mother was no longer here to give her side of the story I am not sure I will ever know the whole truth. In 1999 my mom giving birth to my brother and I. That would throw a kink into our family tree and end it forever. Twin Boys Victor and Sabastian were born to Keven and Sara Sands. At the age ten our parents starting fighting a lot. It was mostly about me crawling into bed with Victor and cuddling with hm. Sometimes he would get in bed with me. What messed with our heads like were one person with two bodies. One look from each other and we knew without speaking what the other was thinking. We thought it was a super power for a long time as kids.
While my brother and I don't remember the gory details except that mom wanted to split us up. We knew about there was going to be a divorce. A bunch of people interviewed my brother and I for three days. Then our mom was saying good bye forever four months before our twelfth birthday. She was moving to Europe.
By fourteen my brother and I were doing some gay stuff. We had unlimited access to the internet and were learning how to do a lot of stuff. As my brother did something I liked I would do the same to him. We were learning what felt great.
Our dad would catch us making out and was making it clear that was this reason our mother left. Mom knew that this would happen. My dads warning was at some point one of us will switch to girls. That will hurt the other brother who feels left out. If you do too much gay stuff with each other will will be gay forever. Victor and I agreed that once we have girlfriends we would stop. If we didn't the girls would have no choice go along with it. Dad seemed to think you can't have both.
It was the opening home game for the Cubs was on a Monday April eight and ninth against vs Milwaukee Brewers. We were going to be on spring break so Dad offers the take to the city we can stay at his brothers and all go see the game. My brother and I were thrilled, our Uncle lived in a Highrise apartment with a awesome view. Last time we were here was right after mom left. Uncle wanted dad to move into the city, and dad want trying to talk my Uncle into moving in with us.
We met at the Stadium for the first game. We freak dad and Uncle Jack has a mustache they wear their hair different and dad is older by a year. The Cubs lose four to seven and we head back to Uncles place. Dad said that Uncle need a head start to clean the place up. Some express way will get him there in twenty minutes and we will take surface streets in forty five minutes. Forty five minutes later he is stuck on the express way and we are waiting. I have to pee so dad uses a key he had to let us in.
Will I was in the bathroom door open I brother asks my dad. Is Uncle Jack gay?
Dad replies back. Yes. Yes he is. I finish get my hands wet and go check out what they are looking at. Well. His choice for art in his living is very large body parts in gaged in sex or gay porn. Dad checks out the room we were sleeping in. A painting was remove and we were told to go to bed. and watch TV. Dad started to hide stuff and then gave up. Uncle finally came and there was a wreck and all lanes were blocked for way too long. He stop by the room to say he was sorry and to come out of the closet. He said to save all the question for tomorrow at breakfast.
My brother I are cuddled up together watch through six inch gap of the still opened door. We watch as uncle makes dad a drink. Then rubs his shoulders and neck say he was going to have a heart attach if he didn't calm down and he was not prepare to take care of us in his absence. Jack tell dad to stand and take his shirt off. Dad does. Jack reverse the chair and has dad sit facing the back of it. It gave him a place to put is arms which gave him a place to put his head. Uncle has easier access to all of dad back. Dad downs his drink and Jack goes to work on dad's back.
I don't remember falling to sleep but my brother and I woke up to noise from uncles bed room. We open the door just as dad flips from on top of his brother to half way falling off the bed. The two of them were making out. and slightly intoxicated. Go back to bed, get some sleep we can talk over breakfast. Not sure why Victor was in a hurry to leave. On the way out the door I yell I saw you doing gay stuff.
Uncle made eggs benedicks it was supposed to be a gay joke, but I still don't get it. We just started out asking dad why he never said he and his brother fooled around. Dad looked like he could cry. So, Uncle came to his rescue.
For five generations my dad had two sons his dad had two sons and his dad had four sons. One son has always been gay and makes the other son do gay things. Every generation could be the last. Dad despite having a gay little brother was able to meet a girl and save the family name for yet another generation.
Mom knew Uncle was gay, and that him am our father had fooled around growing up and brought it all up in the divorce. The reason why we should be separated to was to end the family curse. Uncle says they always blame the gay guy. He said in front of dad the problem is we all love sex too much. More than most. I loved my brother and would do anything for him even gay stuff. After a while your father was willing to do gay stuff in return.
Dad asked. Have you decide which brother go first? We look at each other and shake our heads no. The dad says. The one that gives in and goes first is always the gay son. Uncle raises his hand. The other goes both ways but only with his brother. After dad and mom got married the did that ancestry thing. That when Dad and Uncle realized one brother never got married they did gay stuff.
The Cubs won the second game six to three. It was nice to think about something else on the way home. Weird the knowledge that our father did gay stuff with his brother should have been a freeing moment. There was a lot of baggage with that info. Being twins made tasting gay stuff easy with as willing and just as curious partner. The one person you could trust more than anyone. The rest was just sex. trying to score spread the love. My head was spinning, and I slump over in the seat. At the same exact time Victor crawls into the back seat with me. We stretch out side by side and start making out with dad driving the car. After a minute he calls enough and Victor sits up.
I will be the gay brother. I volunteer to go first. Do you realize how much has changed for gay people since Uncle came out. When I came out of the bathroom at Uncles house I was in shock, Victor was impressed. Victor saw himself. That prediction of dads one will like girls and the other will be hurt. That was happening now in reversed.
When I think about it does mean it is my job to make Vic permanently gay, so I can forever be haunted by having hot sex with my gay brother. I asked ten adults over the next three days what is the appropriate age to have sex. They all said twenty one. I was fourteen. I slept in my own bed that nigh and Victor never join me. Spring vacations break was over and Monday we stared back at school.
Victor and I hit the park across the street from school for lunch. We are talking about what has changed. Mike hill is smiling a joint and offers us a toke. Victor hits it and passes it to me. Mike asks if there is any chance we would skip the rest of the day to get high and do gay stuff at his place. His sister gets home at three. Vic says I would love to my brother just likes to watch. I did more than watch the first thirty minutes, then I watched.
I thought they had finished, I was full aware of a climax period and the giggling, Then they just started or. I left with plans to walk home and was attack by his sister who I know from school. She was a senior 17 and knew her brother had the hots for Victor. She thought we were in her brother class. We started on the couch and finished in her bedroom.
Two months later Victor and Mike were out of the closet boyfriends. Mike's sister and I remained in the closet as a couple unit I was sixteen. Which I did not think was fair Victor was fourteen and Mike was Sixteen. We told everyone finally and last until she took off for college which was six months later. Victor and Mike started interview girls to have their baby. The principal found out a suspended them claiming dozens of girls would have their babies but they would keep it and want you to support them.
I am thrill to say did get married and I became the dad of three sets of twins. first two boy, then two girls, then the last set was one of each. While my brother and Mike also had twins through a friend he worked with for a small fee. The had two non twin children also. The grandfather to these kids and his brother moved to a cabin in Vermont to retire. We held several Christmas dinner there.
The Family Curse - Story Time Blog