A partnership made on the internet.
Me and a bunch of people.
And you were there.
The center of the universe
The invitation to come.
Thank You
For the opportunity to post.
Reasons we were there.
Post just about ANYTHING
Speech just about ANYTHING
Millions or Billions
Money changes everything.
It's necessary.
NOW Under New Management.

Freedom not really.
Speech limited.
No longer the blast it used to be.
Sadly, we test limits break the rules.
Not on purpose .
We just don't understand it.
I don't get it, but I will.
Gay is a subject not adult content
If given the chance.
We adapt.
The need to create.
Please don't kill me again.

This is too much work.
Too important to me.Â
A gift to my children.
My mental health retreat.
Emotionally, Spiritually, Socially, Creatively .
Screw this - I will do it myself.
On Wix
Thank You -Story Time Blog