When I found Pete he was curled up in a fetal position his hands over his eye he was crying quietly to himself. I asked what I could do to help.
Pete - I be fine just need some time he would figure it out.
I suggested talking might help, a un bias second opinion, a conversation to stop the downward spiral. That got him to uncover his eyes.
Pete - Crap I didn't realize it was you. You should just go, seriously I'm fine.
Bro you crying about somethings share please. It saying it out loud will help. Talking about will help find a solution.
Pete - My dad is on disability and has ptsd and drinks to deal with it which makes it worse. He does not get that much per month. My mom works full time and she is trying to get her and my brother out of there. Her sister lives over in Danville not to far from here.
That would be cool to have them that close. So, what's the hold up again?
Pete - My mom says she needs about two thousand bucks and she has four hundred stashed and that took her over a month to stash without my Dad finding out. I should not be here, on student loans, I should be working somewhere to help them get away from him.
How about you work for me and I will pay you, so you can help your mom.
Pete - I don't think paying me to do your laundry is going to solve this.
Is your mom on Zelle?
Pete - Yeah, but what are we talking about again?
Let's see Pete what are you willing to do for say... two grand.
Pete - Charlie are you gay, and talking about getting naked?
Bro what is up with the label, I think your hot and I want touch. Both of us naked 60 minutes we make out and I want to taste your ... terms and conditions
Pete - Whoa I get it, I just cannot believe you are serious. That's a lot of money.
I can send it right now, we could be helping them unpack by the weekend. I got my bank pulled up is it phone or email? petepaulandmom@gmail.com Call her and see if she got it.
Pete - Hey mom, I got it from a friend. How soon can you guys leave?....
Sweet call me tomorrow and let me know for sure. I love you too. bye.... Thanks,.... and wipe that smile off your face. I guess I will get undressed lets get this over with.
Sorry bro but this room is not suitable for making out or anything more. We are going across the hall to my mancave. Come with me and let's do gay stuff. Lower the lights, hit play some lite jazz and lock the door. Now you can take yo... OMG you already did. Bro. Damn Bro.
The next morning ....
Pete - Hey mom what's up it is really early.
My sister said come as soon as possible. so we are leaving after school on Friday. She also said to give your friend back a thousand, I am sending it to you now.
Pete - Mom you don't have to do that. Charlie is my boyfriend mom. We share everything now. I can't wait until you meet him.
Give him his money back or take it out in trade. I wondered back in fifth grade if you were gay. What ever it was it never happened again. I think that Martha girl wanted to have your babies. That is how I met you father I am so glad you did fall for that.
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