I had some respect if you asked my family. I was taking classes for college part time and working for a bank. I had a motorcycle and I was making payments. I have an apartment but I live at home and it is upstairs over our garage.
We party there on weekends when my dads not drinking too much. We keep the noise down. We are all under twenty one so the other choice is hang out at the pool hall. Locals vs college kids and I am both kind of, sort of.
A college guy that goes by Hawk because of tattoo on his arm, which is awesome. He's a bodybuilder. Plays pool like he is a pro, and plans to be one someday. He tells me he see me staring and wants to know if I am interested.
It was attraction after all. Not sure why I choose to admit it to anyone at this point in my life and the way I did. Attraction? that would explain looking back. I don't want to be gay so that can't happen so I choose not to go there.
He explained it did not work that way. I am a newbie I am just to the point of eye contact. I look too much, too long, and with lust. Me raising my hand silently praying someone pick me to be gay with. Talk me into doing gay stuff. For me to come out I have to find the right gay guy to mate with.
It could be him. Maybe not. I just have to say yes. I could wait for ten more years and meet Mr. Right at thirty or older. Mr Right is that first guy that takes you across the gay line. Who ever you say yes to do gay stuff with then come out say I am gay and want more please.
Now I am hitting twenty I stopped girls in high school do to no peer pressure to do so. I avoid thinking about gay stuff. I take care of stuff in the morning in the shower no gay stuff needed. I work go to school and have a bunch of friends to do stuff with. I see a good looking guy I admit look twice. I am riding in my dad's truck, little brother in between us. He asks did you just check that guy out? I say yes, make up some name. That's Joe. Some fake place I know him from. I know him from work.I do not know that I am doing a double take until I do it. It is on autopilot which either I am gay or so disparate I will do it with gay guys.
On my days off I have had friends over a few weeks in a row. Video Games and pizza. Finally we all hit the pool hall. Which is surprisingly quite for a Friday. A college basketball game tonight means it is majority locals. Hawk is there with a few friends. There is nine of us and we pair off and get four tables. Jimmy never plays unless we are short a person or after the first two rounds. The idea is the winner keeps the table and the loser rotate to the next table Then the winners play each other.
I won but I had to take a leak so go the the restroom. I am in the back corner thinking I am going hit a joint in a stall. Then I hear people coming, then talking. It is Hawk and Jimmy. I hear the same speech I got three weeks earlier about he can tell he is gay because he is gay too. He can help him do gay stuff. I am thinking you scum, and I am putting stuff away. Then Jimmy said. I have a crush on Michael (me) and he is the only guy I want to do gay stuff with. Not the best time to let one rip. I fart when I get nervous. I think my dad does too.
The two of them were just taking and outed themselves to whoever was in there. They take off to join the others. I slipped out a side door and I send Jimmy a text to meet me outside. We have been buds for a long time. He was a grade under me in school. I had zero info on him and gay stuff. He comes out all smiles and asks what's up. I say I am going home and suggest he should come over and hang out.
Jimmy is all excited to ride on my bike. He gets on and I take off he wraps his arms around me giving me a hug he lays his head against my back like his is all snuggled up to take a nap. It was not that far to get home but it was long enough to get gett us both turned on. from a hug. If that is not a sign something is up I do not know what is. We get to my house he jumps off and has to make an emergency adjustment to his junk to hide the obvious. I let out a laugh he looks at me as I grab the results in my jeans. He makes eye contact and asks. Are you into me bro? Ever do gay stuff?
We go up stairs get naked as two guys that had never done this before we figured it out. Weird how two people who have know each other for a while get introduced to a side of each other they had never met before. Jimmy had years of gay porn lessons, and had come out to a few guys. I was always too afraid my parents would find out what I was looking at on the internet. We were falling in love as we were doing gay stuff. We fell asleep agreeing that we wanted to try being boyfriends, and were not interested in doing gay stuff with anyone else.
It was 5:30 am and Jimmy was tugging on a body part to wake me up. It was barley light outside and we hear voices outside my bedroom, he is panicking it's my parents. This is a two room one bath apartment. I have a little refrigerator, a microwave, and a sink for a kitchen. A tiny shower and toilet inside my bedroom. We get out of bed and put our underwear on. I crack the door to see the whole gang of friends wait for our results in the living room.
Well are you guys gay or not? Captain Obvious got a punch to his arm. After we disappeared Hawk went off on a rant that we were gay. He told everyone we were doing gay stuff and will be out of the closet by tomorrow. We had left the door unlocked. They were waiting to find out not if it was a girl or a boy. But are we gay and boyfriends. They had been there for hours. Two had fell asleep, while the other were whispering and playing on there phones.
We confirm their suspicions with a kiss and a party erupts. We are all hanging out in the living room Jimmy is sitting on my lap and we find out four out of eight of the guys had let Jimmy do gay stuff to them. They had some issues to deal with that they all confessed to. It It was no big deal that we were gay. In fact were happy for us they did care. Then my dad comes up before leaving for work because someone has him blocked in the driveway. He sees me and Jimmy on my lap with his arms around my neck. Captain obvious says they had sex last night and are boyfriends now a gets another punch to his arm.
Dad looks at me. Say congratulation smiles and tells everyone to go home and leave they gay guys alone and to never park in the driveway again. Everyone files out and dad says you two love birds can thank me for that later. He close the door and leaves for work. I was in shock and wanted to scream.
We started doing gay stuff went back to bed and then clean up with a plan to Jimmy's house to tell his parents. My mom sees us getting on my bike comes out in her nightgown to give us hugs. Said that dad texted her she won the $100 bet they had that I was gay.
For those of you that look twice odds are you like what you see more than you are willing to admit. I as a out of the closet gay guy. I look at guys and check them out all the time but I stopped doing the double take. The only thing I can contribute that to was I had Jimmy, and I wasn't looking for gay sex I was just saying yeah I am gay. I look at at hot guys out loud and all time time just me saying proudly Me Too Dude.
When I am with Jimmy we are proud and blessed to have each other. I love being myself and the friends and family that love me back for who I am. The problem now is if I look at Jimmy for to long, it is time to go home. He is hot and it is hard not to watch him and not think about doing gay stuff. He says he has the same problem too and we tend to leave early wherever we go. Weird to hear Captain obvious has to inform everyone the gay guys were are going home to using a for letter word. Not weird was the scream to the punch to his arm. Everybody looks it is what makes us human and proves we are still alive.
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