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Rejection - Story Time Blog

Writer's picture: Lenny De ForgeLenny De Forge
A I Artwork by Rejection - Story Time Blog

I remember when Kenny was eighteen he had a crush on a girl and told the wrong person. It got back to the young lady who was quick to respond in front of everyone on the school bus.

My son was labeled poor white trash for his love of cars, and mechanics. It was made clear to the 35 students he was never to come near her or mention her name. A reference to he will grow up single, alone, and become an alcoholic was a reference to me. My divorce sold my gas station so we could split the profits. Which is why I have seven cars in my driveway needing some repair. I drink a few beers after work.

He walked home from school that day and never rode the bus again. He had a car up and running and was driving to school shortly after that. At the age of twenty five he has never had a girlfriend since the bus crush... Can rejection make you gay?

Timing was everything I go through a nasty divorce and his mother hates him for agreeing with me. We had to liquidate everything pay off all the bills and split was was left over. I got a two bedroom house with a big driveway and backyard. I fix cars in my garage at home. While I admit my driveway looks like a parking lot. The HOA tells everyone I am in compliance. Tom the current manager is a car nut. Let just say he appreciates my talents in a garage.

Which brings me back to Kenny. He got hired by the new owner of my former gas station. He works' there full time and run's the three bay's and decides who works on what. He been there four years make the same money he did four years ago. He seems unhappy, he plays pool on his days off, with guys he went to highschool with. They work at walmart, or do construction, lawn maintenance. I stop and get gas to find out from the cashier, the owner's daughter. She has the hots for my son and is two years younger at age twenty three, single, with a four-year-old little boy. Her parents seem okay with the idea, but this is the first I am hearing of it. Kenny walks in the kitchen coming home from work.

Dad - Hey son How...

Kenny - Dad don't bring it up I know you heard about it. It is sexual harassment at my workplace and my boss is in on it. This has nothing to do with the fact she is less than attractive, way too entitled, and smells weird.

Dad - I didn't think she was your type but I realized you have not had a type in five years. I see you check out guys more than I see you check out girls.

I get a smirk and slight smile and complete denial on checking out guys. Followed by...

Kenny - I like six-packs I check out those guys. That's not gay it's a bodybuilder thing. I could be a fitness guy.

Dad - Kenny I love you and have been watching you pron histroy for over twelve years.

Kenny - If you know what I look at then... (seigh) Nevermind, I have zero privacy.

Dad - Tom and I do gay stuff.

Kenny - What ? No way- You are mess with me.

Dad - That is a secret between Tom and myself I asked him if I could tell you because I was tired of hiding it. He said it was fine.

Kenny - Gay stuff. I going to quit my job tomorrow.

Dad - Okay great idea You can come work for me. I got plenty of work.

Kenny - I can start on Monday. So, how did you and Tom start doing gay stuff?

Dad - The HOA and Tom gets a lot of complaints about the driveway. He comes over a lot. He takes pictures, and quotes the rules. He is a nice guy, divorce, a bunch of kids. We were both in the Navy and gay stuff happens on ship. He offered and gay stuff happened for about nine months now. All while you are at work. So, why are you quitting your job?

Kenny - My boss thinks I am going to marry his daughter. Everyone jokes about it. I am just going to quit. I think I am going to run down to the bowling alley and play a few games of pool, have a beer. You should come with me. You should drive.

Dad - You have never asked me to join you and hell yes I will drive.

There was something about Wednesday Night at the bowling alley. The place was packed We grab two beers I sit at the bar and watch as he makes the rounds. He destination was three tables away and his cohorts from high school Perry, Carl, and Howard along with two guys I don't know. Kenny goes to find a pool stick and Howard follows. Kenny must be telling him I was there. As they both look over. Kenny leans in whisper something to Howard who looks at me and back a Kenny and the two of them start walking this way.

Kenny - Dad I want you to meet Howard Jensen everyone calls him Hank. Hank this is my dad David Wilcox. Hank just graduate with a degree in Criminal Justice at San Diego State.

Hank - I also just came out to my parents as gay and I got to say it kind tense at my house. Kenny suggest I could spend the night with him. If that is okay with you Mr. Wilcox.

Dad - You can call me Dave, Hank. your are more than welcome at our house.

Kenny - We should let the guys know we are taking off.

Hank - Be prepared for incoming This won't take long.

Dad - I will meet you guys at the car.

As it turns out Kenny just months ago gave in to Hank and had gay sex for the first time. After three nights Hank just moved in premeniately. It took months but Hanks parents finally came around.

The best part was Tom could spend the night with me. The four of us was out in the open with everything. But not to the outside world so much. After a horrible divorce my son and I shared, my son and I attempt to write a book on Rejection. The power to change your sexual orientation. We had given up on ever being happy, and then we rejected and changed our sexual orientation.

Rejection - Story Time Blog


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