It was talk about their relationship for the last three year.
Howard as the owner of the garage hired Billy three years ago.
A neighborhood boy in and out of juvey.
Billy served a year in prison robbery third offence.
At age eighteen it was meant to be a lesson.
Billy says, It just made him gay and workout out more.
At age nineteen Billy applied fresh out of prison.
Billy shows up everyday for two weeks asking. Any Openings?
Howard says, It was what got him the job. (he was bribed)
Billy was slick his looks sexual, his laugh sexy.
Doing gay things to make up for screw ups after work.
The screw ups were on purpose.
Howard went along with it. (he was seduced)
For the last three years they have made each other happy.
Doing gay stuff out of loneliness, need, but mostly love.
A partnership in the closet for the last three years.
Howard is proposing a change to their relationship.
Howard would like to love Billy out loud.
Billy could not be happier.
Out Loud - Story Time Blog