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One Sleeping Bag - Story Time Blog

Writer's picture: Lenny De ForgeLenny De Forge
AI Artwork by - One Sleeping Bag - Story Time Blog

Thomas was playing it straight, what no one knew was. He willing to let Jimmy do gay stuff to him. He claims to be simply taking advantage of having a gay best friend living next door. It was part of the benefits that come with it.

Both sets of parents were concerned that Jimmy who was openly gay had a crush on Thomas. and the minute Thomas found a girlfriend, or Jimmy pushed too far he would get his heart broken. After years of being best friends and nothing happening they never expected Thomas would finally give in to Jimmy's offers to do gay stuff to him.

Thomas's Dad - So, I can see the tent Jimmy set up from the kitchen window. I got a bad feeling about this. What's wrong with a normal sleep over in your bedroom?

Thomas - Star Wars Netflix Marathon we are going to be up all night and they have a restroom in their pool house. Any chance I can snag a couple of beers dad?

Thomas's Dad - Look me in the eye and tell me you not doing gay stuff with Jimmy.

Thomas - Fuck dad, I am not doing gay stuff... but Jimmy is ... doing gay stuff to me. It's just oral sex. Nothing more and I think about girls the whole time.

Thomas's Dad - You are playing with fire. I bet he's pretty good isn't he. (Thomas - Yeah) and your sure that's it nothing more. No kissing and stuff. (Thomas - nope) You mother and his parents can never find out.

Thomas's - I can't lie to you dad, and I don't mean to mean to keep secrets either but come on. My best friend is willing to practice on me who am I say to no. He is totally cool about me being straight and gets that I am into girls.

Thomas's Dad - Fine I trust you know what your doing and help yourself to the beer. I might even be a bit envious I would love to drink a beer a get a blow job.

Later that night in the tent...

Thomas - My dad came right out and asked if we were doing gay stuff, and you know I can't lie to him. He can tell when I do. So I just said no I don't but you give me blow jobs and that's all.

Jimmy - Wow, he knows and he still let you come over to spend the night.

Thomas - I told him you got to practice and get the benefit and we call it even.

Jimmy - Where's your sleeping bag bro?

Thomas - Oh crap I left it at home when a grabbed the beers. I'm next to naked can't we just share yours? Your one chance to cuddle.

Jimmy - I'm good with it if you are. So first a blow job and then sleeping bag and we watch Netflix.

Thomas - I'm waiting on you best friend. Ten minutes later... Every time you do that you get better and gayer. What you can do with your tongue is amazing, and every time you get closer to tonguing my butt hole. I am on to you gay boy.

Jimmy - It what I have to do to distract you or you will just get off too soon. Here get in a zip it up on your side. I think we have to over lap it's not big enough for both of us to lay flat on our backs.

Thomas - Whoa bro what is this a lap dance or something. What are you doing? Oh fuck you are going to get lube allover the inside your sleeping bag. Damn that feels good. Let me do it to you, I'll get on top. Lap dance here we come. Whispering... Go ahead chew on my neck.

The two young men grinding their bodies against each other would eventually start kissing. Several minutes later both boys would give it up out of lust. They just laid they exhausted and spent. Holding onto each other as if their very lives depended on it they pass out.

At 6 am the sprinkler system goes off and the boys wake horny after sleeping curled up naked. Thomas starts rubbing up against Jimmy suggesting they do that one more time.

Jimmy moves positions and applies more lube and inserts Thomas's you know what in his butt saying, my first time go slow. Curled by in the fetal position Thomas makes love to his gay best friend for a first for both time for of them. Thomas was the first to speak.

Thomas - Fine you win. I will go gay with you, not a problem. Kiss me boyfriend.

One Sleeping Bag - Story Time Blog


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