The new student teacher Dustin Miller was a local that graduated Jacky Rosen High School years ago. He was twenty-two years old, single, and extremely fit. A vegetarian and runner Dustin had less than 1% body fat if the test was accurate. He was planning to teach English to high school students and coach track one he had his degree and a permanent placement. He was not prepared to run into an ex-girlfriend’s little brother.
Fisher Green was eighteen, graduating and out of the closet gay student. Fisher Green outed Dustin Miller to his sister, parents, and then Dustin's whole family. At the age of fourteen Fisher comes out of the closet because he sees gay people because he is gay.
He big sister's boyfriend and date to prom was gay. Fisher knew it and called him out for it.
The prom date was called off. Dustin Miller would in fact quality come out as gay his second year at college. However, his public status remained single with no preferences, no relationships. He has attempted to date a few gay students. He seems to feel everyone wants a one-night stand, and is not willing to get to know each other, or just be friends.
Mrs. Griffin was the senior class English teacher, and head of the English Dept. Dustin was one of her students and Editor of the School News Paper four years ago. She was the reason he when into teaching. Thrilled to have him back Mrs. Griffin was the only person he told he was gay in high school. He told her before Prom, before his parents found out. She knew Fisher's sister and had Fisher in her third period class. Everyone calls her Mrs. G.
Dustin was asked to check the mailbox for Mrs. G. right before third period. Three minutes into class Dustin returns for a formal introduction. Fisher Green immediately raises his hand.
Mrs. G - Yes Fisher what is?
Fisher - Restroom break please.
Mrs. G. Run
The class starts a discussion on last night’s reading assignment. Fisher returns after about seven minutes. Join the class but just stares and Dustin. The new reading assignment was given, and students were given the last fifteen minutes of class time to start reading. Mrs. G takes off for lunch and the teachers’ lounge leaving Dustin in charge. Class ends and everyone, but Fisher exits.
Dustin - Fisher Green all grown up.
Fisher - You made me gay, okay fine, ...you made me realize I am gay. I was in love with you at fourteen. I still am at eighteen. Damn, you’ve got even hotter. We need to talk, we need to...
Dustin - After school at 3:30 meet me here. Fisher's smile lit up his eyes. He leans for a one arm hug, and then in his normal voice and in the ear of Dustin he says.
Fisher - I told you were gay. I am telling you right now. We are getting married boyfriend. I love you, always have.
Fisher exits the room. Dustin sits down at his desk, his head spinning with the past and present thoughts of Fisher Green. Fisher is exiting the building to use his cell phone and calling his father to tell him he found Dustin.
Fisher - Dad Dustin is a student teacher in my English Class. I just told him I was in love with him, and we should get married.
Dad - Has he told you he is gay? Are you sure he is out of the closet now?
Fisher - He's gay he said he would meet me after school at three thirty.
Dad - Fisher, I cannot have you ruin a guy’s life just because you are in love with him. Call your therapist and let her know please.
Fisher - It is going be fine dad, I am getting him back. Do not stress. I am calling mom I will talk to you later. Relax.
Fisher father calls the high school and requests to speak with the student teacher Dustin Miller. The request was escalated to the principal who called Fisher's dad back himself with Dustin in the room.
Principal - I would ask that you address your concern with Dustin and Fisher to both of us.
Dad - First I would just say hello Dustin you have been missed. I was hoping to invite you over to dinner tonight at six-thirty. My wife, Fisher, and his little brother and I would like to get to know you all over again if you give us a second chance.
Dustin - I would be happy to join you and your family for dinner, Mr. Green. Thank you.
Principal - That was it? Is everything okay with Fisher?
Dad - I guess I should warn you that Fisher wants to and is planning to ask Dustin to go to prom. Not sure what your policy is for senior students dating student teachers. My son has been in love with Dustin for four years. I am not sure Dustin is safe from Fisher's attraction and or affection. I know my son's feelings and we would just like to clarify where Dustin is at this point in his life. I am hoping that will help Fisher focus on a realistic future.
Principal - Just to clarify our eighteen-year-old gay senior class president and valedictorian wants to date a student teacher age twenty-two, in the three months we have left of school? Dustin what is the history of you and Fisher's relationship.
Dustin - Fisher at the age of fourteen realize he was gay due to his attraction to me. Fisher outed me as gay to his family and mine. I was eighteen years old, and Fisher was the first person to call me gay.
Dad - Sorry Dustin, he was fourteen and clueless as to what he was doing.
Dustin - No apology necessary. I am sorry Mr. Green I was eighteen and doing my best to pretend I was straight and clueless of what I was doing to your daughter. Freaking out over the affection of a fourteen-year-old gay kid.
Principal - You two exchange info and let us pretend we never had this conversation. Thank you all for participating. I am going home early today.
Dad - Thanks for calling me back.
Dustin - Thanks for the conversation.
Dad - my son is still in love with you. I must ask any chance you could love him back.
Dustin - Always have from a distance and I am sure I always will. I would love the chance to get to know your son Mr. Green.
Dad. So, I am going to cry... dinner tonight, come over whenever you want. I love you Dustin even when you were dating my daughter. Later.
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