2023 was suppose to be better then the year before. I end my second year at college single and alone just like my first. My dad seems to think the fraternity we both belong to is not doing enough to encourage girlfriends. The University policy states no overnight guests, all guest are limited to community areas for social engagement. The fact was girls in college were not interested in hook ups, one night stands, a date was you taking them out, and paying for everything and you might get a thank you.
My father was misinformed which had us discussing apartment or frat house for my third year. Being the control freak he is advocated for me to have a more senior position on next years officers board. I could then advocate for more social engagement with the ladies.
Please note I worked a domino's the summer before college, and not a day since. I am 21 years old and my father pays all my bills. Please don't judge me. I am on an allowance and stashing money on the side for emergencies. This is just my life a this moment in time.
My third year of college starts and we get ready for pledge week. My past days at high school show back up to haunt me. It was a deja-voo of a time I really did not want to think about.
The pledge with the application standing before me was a past high schools girlfriends little brother. North West was his name. His older sister is the girl I took to prom name was Mae West. He was just as shocked to see me. But thrilled to see someone he knew and could ask questions about the process. He was a sophomore in high school and 16 the last time I saw him. I asked about Mae and he pulled up a picture of her and her three very large children ages 1, 2, and 3. He said bro you are so lucky she broke up with you.
I explained we had twenty five to thirty openings and we would make final announcement on Monday. He explained this would solve a lot of problems if he could get accepted and begged me to put in a good word for him. I said I would be happy to. At a meeting that night we had twenty eight applications and thirty rooms available for new members.
My roommate and I suggest we get private rooms like a few others for increased rent. Two others guys do the same and everyone gets in. All rooms are rented. I sent the emails out. Twenty-eight freshman with way too much electronics move in the following weekend. I got the sheets of room assignments and one for little brothers. Not sure how out of twenty eight or why this happened but I got North's name. His roommate is a guy named Perry who has my old roommate for a big brother. We are both helping them set up their rooms.
North was six two and did track and swimming. His roommate was shorter 6' and yet twice his size all football linebacker jock. A accident wait to happen. This years Jim Belushi. I was on grill duty for dinner so I put my pledge to work. We had sixty members living with in walking distance. We set up a serving line and start cooking as soon as the beer was there. North and I were having a blast keeping up with the line and we did. We might of had ten burgers left over and two dogs. With dinner served it was time to get to know everyone. Your little brother had to introduce you to the other pledges. Then the big brother had to intro the pledge to everyone.
We finally get to North and he explains he and I went to high school together. That I took his big sister to prom. That his sister broke up with me and she told her family that I was gay. She was already pregnant with another guys baby. She married him right after high school.
I was on auto pilot repeating the She told her family I was gay. She told her family I was gay. Sad because I was to now introduce North. I confirmed I knew North at the age of sixteen. I described him as a skinny little boy that once asked me how do you know when puberty is over. Asked why his sister would google abortion and cheat on me with my best friend. The cool thing ss I did not get his sister but got him for a little brother anyway. Exit towards more beer. Not sure where all that came from. I felt like I had just threw up verbally and now need to physically.
North had tried to warn me in advance what was happening behind my back. I thought it was misinformation, he did not have his facts straight. I thought he was a little brother sticking it to his big sister.
North joins me in a pacing asking if I am okay. I suggest that is not how we rehearsed it. Did she really tell your family I was gay? North spins me around to look at him and gives me a kiss. I start to kiss him back when I freak out that I am. I take a step backward and there are like six guys looking at us. Like WTF just happened? Did I just see that? Bro North stated forcefully I am gay. I thought I was in love with you and i was trying to tell you she was cheating on you.
I was in la la land. North is gay and loved me of all people at back when he was sixteen due to misinformation fed to him by his sister. I asked why did you just kiss me?
Get your attention, to tell you the part you don't know yet. To let you know I am still here if you are interested and a friend if you are not.
I suggested we continue this in my room. This adult side sayin get a grip to one side of my brain. While the other side was saying he just outed you bud now everyone knows. I would and did do anything back then not to be that gay guy. I saw how everyone treated gay guys. It was all that preprograming. It was years of being fed misinformation, about who I was allowed to love.
While at the same time This gay guy picked me. As we take the walk up stairs every step was a countdown to doing gay stuff, coming out, and to falling in love. The closer I got to my room the more I was convinced I wanted to make love with him. Get to know him and every single thing about him that makes me want to deserve him, be that better person, make him happier than he has ever been. I wanted to pick him because he picked me to do gay stuff with. We close the door to the misinformation and the room and kiss again. Help each other gat undressed and fall in love for the first and final time.
Misinformation - Story Time Blog