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Manage This - Story Time Blog

AI ARTWORK Manage This.

The guy in the kitchen at 8:30 am was Paul the Condo Association Property Manager. He seem to suggest I over paid for the property and it is in terrible condition. I have 90 days to make certain repairs. Which he has to approve and over see.

I was the gay guy in Condo 333B with three little kids and some kind of trust fund. It just did not compute how was this possible. My wife and I were married after high school. The first thing I did after we got married was join the military. Everyone leaves out I was a marine for seven years.  Seven years later my wife dies after birth of third child. I come out as gay. I could only be straight with her. Grandparents on both side were fine with it.

Paul did help me hire the right people for the right price for important stuff. He was at my house a lot. A contractor blew a circuit breaker and we went without power for 36 hours. Paul brought over a generator for important stuff. Tons of ideas to accommodate and entertain the kids. After getting them to sleep we crack open some beers and he explains he is attracted to my situation.

I say, I needed more explanation.

He tells me he is gay but he keeps that part of is life to once a month weekend in downtown Chicago. No one knows. No one expects. I had no idea but I thought he was scary at first and hated me because I am gay.

Turns out I scared him a little too. Hot gay marine with three kids needs a hot and loving husband for the rest of their lives. He filed an application for the position that night, which was expeditiously approved by the following morning. The boys woke up to having two dads. We all lived happily ever after.

Two dad family

Manage This - Story Time Blog


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