Chris was depressed, his future wife just dumped him three days before wedding invitations were supposed to be sent out. He takes a week off work, has not attend one class and has not left the condo. He quit answering the phone.
James a friend from college and now also work stops by his condo to check on him at his mothers request.
Chris - What are you doing here?
James - I called your mom we talked and she ask me to stop by.
Chris - Do you still do gay stuff?
James - Why are you asking? You lost your girlfriend you are not gay bro.
Chris - You want to bet? I been watching gay boys for two days. I am ready.
James - It doesn't work that way.
Chris - PTSD I am done with chicks. Now yours chance I am single and interested.
James - This is crazy.
Chris - Take your clothes off... Let's do this bro.
After his rejection two of the hottest guys on campus start to make out. Screw dating and marriage and let just do gay stuff. We can do gay stuff any time we want.
Weeks later and much to their surprise it got much more physical, intense. After classes and again before bed. They started sleeping together.
A night out at the bar and two blond chicks try to hit on them. The told them they were boyfriends. The chicks freak and leave. The two young men start a conversation of coming out as gay. Telling their parents, and relatives.
They leave the bar and drive a mile to the one and only gay bar just off campus. For the first time in their gay lives they get to be the same people they are at their apartment. Boyfriends out in public.
Freedom. They had a blast and at nine am the next morning the two called their parents together from bed and cuddled together. They introduce their best friend as their boyfriend and came out to both sets of parents. Blown away both parents said they never would have picture it. Yet they do look so good together it kind of made sense.
Let's Do This - Story Time Blog