My son Jason is twenty-five has a BA in business and made over 100K doing small modeling jobs. A studio apt in New York that takes most of his money, he also plays piano and sings in a band which is what he loves and does best. Sadly what he is famous for is being the boyfriend of a really famous model Shynel G. for the last year. Well that is until last night.
I get a phone call from my sons best friend Trey who explains that Jason has had a very public break up with his girlfriend. He is a mess, and it been hours of non stop crying. Any chance you can come over to his apartment. I explain it will take me an hour to get there and I would call him back from the car for more information.
Me - Okay I'm in the car driving there doesn't seem to be a lot of traffic yet. How is my son doing right now?
Trey - I made his take some NyQuil and he finally feel asleep.
Me -Can you tell me why she broke up with him and what did you mean by very public?
Trey - So, you are going see naked pics of your son making love to another guy that his ex took and posted to Social Media.
Me - My Jason fucking another guy.
Trey - I wouldn't call it fucking but yes.
Me - Do we know who this person is he was caught fucking, Jason doesn't do random does he?
Trey - A close friend.
Me - Was it you? Trey? You been friends for seven no nine years. Since when did you guys start fucking.
Trey- Eight years ago or so... Sorry we just did see a need to share that with anyone.
Me - Why the girlfriend? I don't get it.
Trey - He doesn't think he is gay He wants a wife and kids. He does not want you to know and he thinks you will be disappointed. He sees our relationship as two brothers or best friends that fool around and have sex sometimes. She was only around one week a month, and she treated him like a pet.
Me - Trey do you consider yourself gay?
Trey - Yes I am. I love your son. I understand that he is not ready to come out as gay and I can't change that. I can and will be here when and if he does.
Me - Trey I love you enough for both of us right now, I am so grateful you called.
Trey - I am really worried. He loved being her boyfriend, it made him a straight hot model and a raising star. After last night he's just a gay guy and in a band.
Me - So what do you do when she's around.
Trey - Visit my parents who still think I live there and read books.
Me -This is my fault I should be there in twenty minutes, do your guys have coffee?
Trey - Yes - white mocha chocolate you did buy the machine.
Me - Awesome a double please have one ready.
I forget there is never a working elevator in this building and take four flights of stairs. Jason smelled the coffee brewing and woke up. I get to the top of the stairs to find the two of them waiting for me. I could be wrong but I don't think either of them have taken a shower since getting caught doing gay stuff. Jason at two hundred melts into my arms and starts crying allover again on my shoulder. We never hug this was heaven and he was five years old again.
I got him to go sit on the couch and talk.
He's moaning about me be disappointed that he does gay stuff.
I agreed I was disappointed but because I raised him to be so selfish and make everything all about him. I said. You cheated on two people Trey and Ms. G. and one of them loves you so much they let you do it. You are using Trey for sex and the girl to help you keep your reputation as straight.
It was impending doom. He was going to lose his modeling career gigs, no one like gay bands anymore. What about kids and all that stuff.
Your sister and Patrick just bought ten acers for more horses over buy the new Walmart.
You and your boyfriend should take her old one it's got a barn for four horse. I can get you a huge discount. You boys move north and start that family you want so much. You do know gay guys can get married and adopt kids. They have a bunch of kids waiting for homes right now. I am also pretty sure your music plays just as good as the bars north of here. Unless you two start kissing on stage no one is going you are gay.
Trey from across the room says loudly I'm all in sounds perfect to me. He gets closer and continues.... I want two boys and two girls and to teach them to all play and love music. Send them to best best music school.
Jason says what if they hate music?
Trey - We take them back?
Jason - Do you remember we went riding there like...
Trey - Six years ago three acers never seemed so big after living here. We just make the closet bigger, let more people in without telling whole world. I don't pay rent I have money saved.
Jason - Dad you seem to be taking the news I am doing gay stuff with Trey really well.
Me - I always thought you two were looking after each other and I liked that. I just did not know how well or to what extent you were looking after each other. So who is going to show he pic she took of you two fucking.
Jason - No dad you don't want to see it.
Trey - Show him your call phone, you can google it shynelexisgay
Jason - Here it is... She posted it on X, and a bunch of other places. Dad what are you doing? Dad that on my account what are you typing?
Me - I responded to her post, here you can have your phone back.
Trey - What did he say wait what did you say?
Jason - Cheating is always wrong, I was wrong to do that, I should have broke up with her first. He was just so much better in bed. I slipped and she caught me. Oh NO dad you just told the world that Trey is better in bed than one of the hottest models in the world.
Me - Well actually you posted that, and is it not true.
Trey - Choose your words carefully Jason.
Jason - Trey and I don't fuck dad we make love and yes he is better in bed. You should give my dad a blow job.
Me - I'm good but thanks, So I will give you guys twenty-four hours and you get back to me on the house offer. The elevator in this place make it a death trap.
Jason - Dad wait - Hugs - We will take the house and put this one on the market. Trey deserves a chance at his dream too and I am starting to like being openly gay. Thanks for making it easier.
Me - I love you both, and I want you both to be happy.
Impending Doom - Story Time Blog