Ray (white t shirt-Air Force) and Jeff (Dark blue t shirt -Navy) have become friends while on many double dates with the Blair Sisters Martha and Stella. Tonight, things were not going well, Martha was having a very bad day and taking it out on everyone. One thing lead to another, the guys are at the bar doing a shot while the girls are in the restroom for over thirty minutes.
Ray goes off saying he knows hookers on fifth street that would cost him less, bitch less, and have good sex with him. It was too much drama.
Stella comes out a pulls Jeff away to say they have called a Uber. She will call Jeff tomorrow. Jeff heads back to the bar to tell Ray. He wasn't there but next to Jeff's drink was Ray's card and Call Me handwritten on it.
Jeff heads to use the men’s room before leaving. As he enters Ray is exiting. Upon making eye contact. The two men embrace and start making out.
Both girls called their boyfriends early the next morning to apologize and suggest everyone goes to breakfast. Then freaked when they realized both boyfriends were in bed with each other and breaking up with them.
How Ray got his Groove Back - Story Time Blog