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Hot Springs - Story Time Blog

Writer's picture: Lenny De ForgeLenny De Forge
AI ART Hot Springs - Story Time Blog

It was the first time we were all back home at the same time in a year. Jerry and Tony had got the idea we go check out the springs. Matt said he was cool with it. So Saturday morning we start the sixty mile ride. The four of us have been best friends since middle school. We fooled around in ninth grade then switched to girls. All still single at twenty, we were making excuses, like not enough girls, fear of rejection, and then Matt says I came out. I'm just gay.

I was driving and lost focus when I looked at him sitting next to me. Jerry and Tony lean forward from the back seat asking. What the hell, Seriously you do gay stuff in the Navy.?

He explains: You could be on a ship for months at a time with fifty to hundred other guys that need it just as bad. Gay stuff happens. Over the next thirty minutes our best friend admits he is as gay as it gets. That is never going to change.

We arrive and head to our normal spot. We strip down to our underwear and all of us freeze in place as Matt is first to check the water out. He went from high school hot to hot male model. The three of us were looking at each other, look at Matt, drooling and freaking. While we all grew up some this was a transformation.

I was sitting on the side just watching when I yelled out Raise your hand if you want to do gay stuff. I then immediately raise my hand yelling...

I do, pick me. I stand jumping into the springs rushing over to Matt. Who is blushing at my announcement. I ask what are the chances we make out again like we did in ninth grade.

He smiled and replied I would love that.

The two of us go at for the first time over five years. This was the moment I know I am gay and always have been. We separate due to the hoots and hollers of our friends. Who were hugging each other inappropriately for two straight guys. They were closeted boyfriends all this time and no one had any idea. When gay guys are exclusive it is easier to survive in a closet.

That switch to females never happen. We all just went back in the closet. Jerry and Tony said they never looked at it like boyfriends, or gay. Best friends with benefits that was better when kept a secret. Before we left we all came out on the internet. We posted pictures of two gay couples, having fun. Then my little brother of all people blows up my phone.

Dad said Gay is when guys are into guys.

Dad said he knew loved Matt.

I thought for sure he would kick your butt out.

Hey, Can you ask Matt to help me score a date with his little sister for the school dance?

OMG mom is crying on the phone to grandma now.

Grandma told mom she knew you were a fag along.

Should I stop saying that word because my brother is one?

Matt's sister said You were a seven maybe eight on facebook.

How can you be gay for five years and not do anything about it?

Are you doing gay stuff right now?

Hot Springs - Story Time Blog


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