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Health Plan Benefits - Story Time Blog

Writer's picture: Lenny De ForgeLenny De Forge
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Chris Proctor was available Monday, Wednesday and Friday and an Insurance benefit. He was certified to collaborate with old guys like me. Forty-two years of a very active heterosexual marriage and they give me the hot gay guy for a fitness trainer. I must say our first meeting and training workout was slightly awkward. Due to Chris's not wearing any underwear issue. What can I say it was a huge distraction.

I turn sixty-six next week and have been a widower for over three years. I quit playing golf because the old guys I play with cheat and lye about the sex they are having. So, I adopted a dog I must take for walks. I am so bored most of the time. A phone call on Sundays from my big brother. He is the only family I have left.

We did not have any kids because my wife never wanted them. She was a schoolteacher and had no problem telling a parent to pick up the parenting. A slight sexual addiction sex was never a problem just panic if she thought or got pregnant.

Chris was a very touchy gay guy. Very hands on. The problem is no one has touched me in years. Not even my doctor. I am also ticklish and the old guy making weird sounds with his trainer in the corner. Chris thinks it is funny. After my hour was up, he asked me to follow him to the locker room. He explains he wants us to take a selfie together, but he wants me naked in the picture. Six weeks from now we will take another picture to compare your improvement.

Not sure why in less than minute after I dropped my shorts, Chris said OMG way too loud. Why is the empty locker room now getting traffic? He takes out a tape measure and starts measuring a few body parts, arm, chest, waist, thighs. While I am naked with three guys talking to each other while watching us. Not sure why the hot gay trainer was so turned on by it?

Another benefit of being old we get to ask semi direct and pointed questions,

So, what turns you on about those guys watching us?

He gets a little squirmy, says smile for the camera and snaps. Saying you can put your shorts back on or take a shower with me and talk. I was pretty sure the twenty to thirty guys there had all seen me naked. I grab a towel and shower bag and head that direction. No pun intended. This was more like a Catholic confession, and I was the priest.

Chris explains he is twenty-eight years old gay guy. He had planned on being I high school PE teacher but not coming out as gay in the process. Gay PE teachers at any age is not a good thing for the Gay PE Teacher that must deal with it. He tells me he has had two boyfriends. He supports himself as a fitness instructor, and his only fan's page. Does every fitness instructor have an only fan's page?

By this time, I have washed everything twice. I shut off the water as I watched him give himself a final rinse. With the echo of a wet enclosed room Chris looked into my eyes and said. I am into old guys; this was them trying to set us up.

It was not them watching that caused that. It was all your fault. I was not prepared for you dropping your pants. This part of my benefit package was not discussed in that flyer I got from my insurance company. Hmm straight old man meets gay guy half his age that could be into him. Poor kid needs therapy.

We headed back out to the locker room. His locker is twice the size of mine a full of all kinds of clothes, lotions, fitness mags. He pulls out his cell phone and brings it over. His last boyfriend was sixty years old, a bodybuilder, and large. He called him a “User Loser.” Picture two he called his first lover. He was sixty-three five years ago and died at sixty-five due to two years of daily gay sex. (my guess)

I was at my locker putting clothes on while he was standing there naked and at a loss for words. He finally says I guess I will see you Wednesday at the same time.

I am not in control of the words coming out of my mouth. I suggest...

You should come home with me right now and hook me up to your Only Fans Page so I can see what you do on there. It is a four-bedroom house, and the bedroom downstairs are off the backyard patio would make a great weight room. I have a Doberman.

Next thing I knew we were getting in my Jeep, and he was asking what year it was. He pointed to his Jeep as we pulled out of the driveway.

I tell Chris...So, I have never done anything remotely gay, I have an idea how this works, but you are going to have to teach me everything.

At the next light I get a kiss that should have killed me. I was in freaking heaven. I swear the young man was beaming brighter than a alter on Easter Sunday. It could have been the confirmation that everything was working correctly that had him so happy. This was just my first gay kiss. Gay gets so much better, especially at my age.

Health Plan Benefits - Story Time Blog


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