Chester was the 19 year old surfer guy - from California
He was in fact pretty if you let yourself think about - that stuff.
For a boy nervous, slightly girly but not - on purpose.
Straight boys would flirt and think about it - Â in private.
For me it was different - my insanity.
Guys like him make me gay, and think about - gay things.
I struggle with why me, ask myself -Â why him.
I don't get it, his lips, his eyes, that body or - his innocence.
I fall in love with the possibility of me with a guy - like - him.
Hello, Chester my name is Billy and this is - a warning.
I am in love with you already, please talk me - into something.
Love, marriage, children, just - not temporary
What are the chances Chester, for a guy - like - me.
Guys-Like-Him - Story Time Blog