One would think in 2023 issue over gay people would not be so controversial. However when you grow up in Las Vegas and eighty percent of the people you hang out with are Mormon it is still a big deal. One would think if it is such an abomination gay marriage would still be illegal. My name is Matthew a seventeen year old nobody. I am checking out my choices. While I will admit to believing a greater power for good and evil. This morality police passing judgement is not right. As you might have guessed I got caught doing gay stuff with my best friend Richard.
Richard is also Mormon and lives several door down from us. It was after school and yes we were naked, standing next to each other, and to keep this PG making out. It was the way we were touching of the others body parts that seemed to freak out my dad when he caught us. Richard who is fine with being gay and out in the open about it. Was mostly dressed and out of my room is less than thirty seconds. He would text me later he has been caught by several parents. He claims the church wants to put out a warning label on him. I can understand why.
Being alone naked in my bedroom with my dad freaking out was weird. I just sat there in the chair at my desk, in front of my computer. He was pacing back in forth yelling about burning in hell, and everyone will find out. He is telling my mother, and I am going to lose all privileges. He finally asks me to cover up my junk it been five minutes why am I still aroused. He finally storms out of my room slamming the door closed. I could hear him on the phone with my mother. While I hated everything about my life in that moment. I knew at some point it would work out. My parents love me just not the gay stuff.
This happened on a Tuesday after school. Dinner that night was interrogation of every gay and or straight thought I have ever had in my life. All done in code due to younger siblings at the table. While my parents were quick to throw out rules. I made a few things clear too. I might or might not be gay. In order for me to find out I plan to have sex with people I want to make an informed decision. I don't have a preference but I do have a right to do gay stuff to figure it out.
The truth was I did have a preference but even I was not ready to check that box yet. While my parents are saying wait for marriage while I am the proof they did not. While my week at home was close to the Mormon version of hell. There was a bright spot. The next day boys bathroom third period Richard and I meet and finish what we started. Then repeat it on Thursday and Friday. Our moms and dads are now talking daily when it used to be only at school functions. We are talking about doing other gay stuff.
Family dinner at our Grandfathers house. Sundays a standing invitation. Grandpa Miller is my mom's dad. Grandma Miller died six years ago. He retired at 62 and has a house five blocks from us. Grandpa Wilson is my dad's dad. Grandma Wilson died three years ago. He is sixty-seven. He is collecting grandma's retirement and waiting until he is seventy. He sold their house. For a ton of money after covid. Then about a year and half ago he moved in with Grandpa Miller. It's a huge four bedroom house with a pool. In Las Vegas Sunday is our day to go swimming all year long. With all that money they pay to heat it.
Normally it's a buffet and we tend to eat outside. They had the table set up for a party of 12 and a kids table for 6. Which we only do for Christmas, and Thanksgiving. Memorial day was tomorrow, and both grandpa's were in the Navy. Aunts' and Uncles all show up. They are all having little private conversation about me doing gay stuff with Richard. Prime Rib was a special occasion. It was huge and sliced for fifteen people with little kids splitting three.
With both grandfather's sitting at both ends of the table. The pass of food over with Grandpa Miller directs his attention to me. Matthew I heard about the issues you are having with Richard. The room goes to a dead silence, then Grandpa says.
Do not let them give you a hard time about that. I caught your dad and uncle doing the same thing at your age.
The room breaks into a roar. My uncle wants to move the little kids table to the kitchen. Grandpa Miller is getting hell from both my parents. I am freaking out over the whole thing. The Grand Willson stands up and asks everyone to calm down. He gets their attention.
Matthew the reason I moved in with your grandfather is because we do gay stuff all the time.
My grandfathers came out of the closet united that I get to make my own choices. They both admitted doing gay stuff in the Navy. They both still want to have sex, and were not. They had the now what do we do conversation. The two of them had been fooling around with each other before our grandma's died. They were gay lovers and this was always a plan for them.
It was a get out of jail free card. A seismic shift about truth, love, and how to treat people. My dad would actually apologize for his response to catching Richard and I. The next Sunday, same time same place. Richard and his his grandfather showed up. We have a safe place to be ourselves.
GrandFather's United - Story Time Blog