Steve has sought therapy at the age of twenty one he is having some very strong gay thoughts and feelings. However his was raised to be straight, his parent suggested gays thoughts are normal but to act on them an abomination. It is a test or temptation from satin.
Therapist - We have to look at the facts, run some tests, and then analyze the results. Are you committed to finding the truth no matter which way it goes.
Steve - Yes Totally committed.
Therapist - So, are you in anyway attracted to me?
Steve - Yes - See I told you I was gay. That's an awesome picture in your ad and you are better looking in person.
Therapist - That does not prove anything yet. But it is a start. for this next test take off your clothes and lets have gay sex on the sofa.
Steve - Okay.... Forty minutes later... Damn doc that was awesome and you are better than any girl I have ever been with. That has got to mean I am gay and my parents and family have been lying to me.
Therapist - Steve the test have all confirmed that yes you are in fact gay and your parents got it wrong.
Steve - I knew it ... Any chance I can get a doctors excuse to show them.
Gay Orientation - Story Time Blog