Marco was brilliant, independent, single, and straight and slightly distracted. Marco was from the future. 2035 and returned to help save the planet. In 2024 Marco was twenty-seven with a Masters in Nuclear fusion. In 2035 he was thirty-eight and worked for the CIA.
The problem is he needs help to complete his mission. Current human contact would be necessary.
A selection was made, and Marco was confused as to why they picked a gay guy. In 2035 being gay was illegal again, and sodomy laws were put back in place after the 2028 election and King JDV. Females were made slaves and owned like property.
Steven was kind, intelligent, single, and gay and at the age of twenty-seven was part of a research project funded by the government at Harvard to stop Climate Change. Marco had years of programming that gay people were deviants. So, he reached out to his younger
self for help with the gay guy. Marco was raised by Baptists and in 2028 all Public Universities became Christian only educational Centers.
Explaining the future to the current Marco was difficult. Future Marco easily proved he was his older self. The two men shared every memory. The two of them come up with a plan to explain this to Steven. Because it was still 2024 Steven was out on social media. The younger Marco changes his profile to gay and hits on Steven.
This of course all started when Biden lost the 2024 election. Then Trumps Vice President shot then President Trump and he became president, and then pardoned himself and crowned himself King.
They took away the voting rights of all females and kicked them off the Supreme Court. Females became property of men. 2028 with only men voting KING VD won in a landslide in the last ever US election. Steven was freaking and wanted to meet the older Marco as proof.
The three of them move into Steven's Condo to organize a plan. Then the plan was to introduce Marco's future work on Nuclear Fusion ten years earlier. They just needed to explain how to speed up the process, to make the leap. The next ten years was divided into ten days. Each day they would publish one year’s work and draw conclusions.
The benefits of free almost clean energy would allow space travel and colonize other planets. Marco communicates to the future the plan in place and gives their approval. They suggest time waves were rippling through the future and slight changes were happening. King VD is attempting to stop things from there.
Marco suggests he can feel the changes physically, and maybe mentally. He has concerns. He goes to bed with a headache. While the younger Marco and Steven end up making out. Marco never told Steven he was straight, and he did not feel it would be a good idea to tell him now. They spend the night in bed and make love the following morning.
The older Marco wakes up GAY, and totally in love with Steven. Weird because the younger Marco does too. Then a call from the future weird crap is happening.
They turn on CNN to hear Biden resigned and President Harris selects Adam Daniel Kinzinger to be her Vice President.
The future transforms and Trump never won in 2024, and Mar a largo in now a male only federal prison for all January 6th inmates and most of the Trump family. President Harris serves two terms and Adam is president in 2035. Elon gave us the money to speed up the fusion project from ten years to three. Marco had a gay boyfriend waiting when he got back to the future.
The planet and Democracy was saved by two gay guys, and President Biden for doing the right thing. Fine with Elon's help too.
Gay & Climate Change - Story Time Blog