Mike - That was awesome story bro I am glad that it all worked out and your wife decided to recant her testimony and they let you out of prison.
Howard - I got a even better story. Did you hear about the two straight friends on a camping trip. One is a wrongly convicted felon that spent six months inside, learning how to do gay stuff. While his straight best friend the one on the camping trip with him did not once visited him while he was in there.
Mike - Now I understand why you insisted we take your truck. Is this a do gay stuff with me or walk home? You don't have to blackmail me to do gay stuff, as long as I get to be the boy.
Howard - I love you Bro.
Mike - Don't think I am doing you a favor, Carla cut me off the day she heard you were getting out. I swear she is talking to your ex-wife. So tell me the truth. You like gay stuff better don't you?
Howard - So much better.
Did You Hear... - Gay Guy Stuff