My dad's new roommate.
He was ten years younger and gay.
Dad seem to think every guy is a little bit.
I ask including you I assume.
He said especially me.
I was married to your mother.
For almost twenty years.
Which has left me far from normal.
But gay stuff dad really? I asked.
Dad finally said We do gay stuff together.
I admit I like it better.
I recommend you try it.
Before getting married to some random bitch.
Guys now have options.
OMG permission to be gay was coming from my father.
Control was my mother's middle name.
She had my wife picked out along with my next three jobs.
To reach my full potential.
With the perfect wife and two to three perfect children
Before the age of twenty - seven.
I called my best friend Tim to asked.
You want to try guy stuff with me?
He said I would love to be your girlfriend bro.
I have heard awesome rumors about you.
From some of your past girlfriends.
Kind of weird and slightly strange.
The gay stuff came to me fairly quickly.
Tim was so gay, How gay was he?
He cried Thanks for making love to me.
Most guys just pound me to death.
This was awesome the best ever.
Well as this story ends
I sadly have to admit.
My dad was actually right.
And we both recommend
You got to try Gay Stuff.
Dad Answers - Story Time Blog