It was the summer after their senior year in high school. For two guys that hated each other so much the last three years. Now that they had graduated they found themselves talking to each other every morning on the beach. Normally after hitting the waves at sunrise they would end up changing out of their wetsuits in view of each other and five or six others. It was a group conversation. Today's got personal between the two of them.
Jack - I caught that last wave you road on my Go Pro Camera if you want a copy of it.
Tim - Thanks that was the best wave all morning, and maybe all month. I was hoping you caught it. Now tell me why are you being so nice to me?
Jack - Let's see, you have not called me a faggot since graduation. Why are you being so nice to me.
Tim - My dad and mom saw that exchange at graduation. I got in some major trouble for it. My parents are getting a divorce, and I'm not going to college. It is why I am out here everyday.
Jack - I don't understand all because you yelled faggot when they called out my name.
Tim - The school threaten not to give me my diploma, and then they delayed sending my transcripts, so I did not get everything submitted in time to be accepted this term.
Jack - Wow why wouldn't I know about all this I am the one it happened to.
Tim. - This is about my conduct as a student and the rules I broke.
Jack - Do you want to smoke a joint? I can hang up my surf board and it will give us room in back the van. Tell me why would your parents are getting a divorce?
Tim - Us... get high together, bro, sure spark it up. I need to be high to tell you this part. Sweet set up bro. Love the beanbag chairs and the tunes.
Jack and Tim take a few hits passing the joint back and forth. A police car pulls in a the far end of the parking lot so the boys close the door. Sitting in the back of the van Tim tells Jack his secret.
Tim - My mother found out my dad does gay stuff with guys behind her back and they agreed to get a divorce. My mom is moving to New York to live with her sister.
Jack - How did she find out? How long had your dad been cheating on her?
Tim - It is weird, my dad says he did gay stuff back in college, then he met my mom and it all stopped. Then about three years ago he meets this gay dude at work and they start fooling around. They are hooking up only at work for years. Then six months ago the guy goes on vacation from work and moves into a new apartment. He must have lived with his parents or something. I found out when my dad left his cell phone on the counter and he got a text from the gay dude about hooking up at 3 at this dudes apartment with new address. I showed up at the guys apartment the door is unlocked. I walked in and can hear them in the bedroom. I watch from the kitchen while they are both in the middle of doing hard core gay stuff.
Jack - So all the time you were giving me crap for being gay was because you were freaking out that your dad was doing gay stuff with a gay guy and you knew about it.
Tim - It's a little more complicated. My dads gay friend Jon wanted them to boyfriends eventually. After I caught them he wants dad or me to tell my mom. He shows up at my house after school a few days later and threatens to tell my mom about him and my dad. Then finally he agrees if I did gay stuff with him one time to check it out he would agree to leave dad alone.
Truth was I stood there and watched him and my dad. I waited to interrupted them at the end after they finished. It was like seeing your dad in a gay adult video. It was kind of hot and the guy guy loved it. Anyway, I said yes.
We go back to his place and do the same stuff him and my did was doing. It was so hot, and stupid. As soon as we finish he calls and tells my dad we did gay stuff. Dad goes postal. He told him was he married and they agreed it was just called role playing. My dad swears he made it clear he had no plans to come out as gay, or leave my mom. Then my dad reported him, for blackmailing me into doing gay stuff with him.
To get back at my dad it turns out this guy had video tapes of him and dad and one of me and him. He sent the video's to my mother. Which is why the divorce. Now my Dad thinks it is because I am gay and have I have a crush on you. Which is why I also pick on you so much. Mom thinks I am not gay and this is all dads fault for putting ideas and a gay guy in my life.
Jack - I am too high for this conversation. Do you think you are gay?
Tim - I have tried some gay stuff with a gay guy. It was one sided but wonderful. Sometimes I wonder what it would be like to make out with you. I think about us doing gay stuff with each other. When you came out all the guys freaked out cause they realized anyone could be gay. Not all gay dudes are girly these days and you made that way too real.
Jack - We don't get to pick the options of what closet or when we come out or why. Who knows if this is or was the right time for me to come out. Every gay guy that was out was because they could not hide it. They were born too gay or too girly. I did not want to be that kind of gay guy. You would think the odds would be in my favor. That one guy out of five hundred and forty two students could be a jock, gay and brave enough to admit it. The only thing coming out did for me was get me harassed. Think about this Tim, you have done more gay stuff than I have yet I am the guy that came out.
Tim - Wow, now I am too high for this conversation. My mom said, Dad gay friend Jon was satin offering me the forbidden fruit. Now I have that knowledge about gay stuff in my head that I can't get rid of. My dad said he thinks it's a crush because you are the only guy I want to do gay stuff with. We could make out and find out just how gay we really are with each other? I am high enough for a kiss from the hottest gay guy I know.
Jack leans over and gives Tim kiss. Tim pulls Jack's body on top of him as the two young men start to make out. Tim wraps his arms around Jack and starts grinding bodies together. Jack starts chewing on Tim's neck driving him totally nuts. Finally Tim screams
Tim - Fuck I am so gay for you. I will be the girl if you want me to. Jack froze in place looking down at Tim who was shirtless and the hottest bully out of many. As if Tim could read his mind...
Tim - Let's go back to my place, we will have it all to ourselves. My mom is in New York, and my dad is in DC until Wednesday.
Jack - I can't believe this is finally happening and with you of all people.
Tim - Walk or drive by the time you park it is five minutes and three blocks.
Jack - You are forgetting I am on the track team bro. The van is locked what is your fast time on the mile. Race ya.
Tim - Go (then whispering to himself.) I am so gay and finally brave enough to admit it. Looks like I am just going to show you how gay that is Jack. I am thinking my dad is right but this is much more than a crush. It's my reason for coming out.
Crush - Story Time Blog