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All Guys are Gay - Story Time Blog

Writer's picture: Lenny De ForgeLenny De Forge
A.I. Artwork - - All Guys are Gay - Story Time Blog
Tim Kyle James

It was our life during covid 19 living at camp site out of a motorhome. My father James Henry III was working as an nurse in Las Vegas. He and my mother divorced my senior year in high school. She got the house and dad got the camper and headed to Las Vegas after I graduated from high school I joined him by driving his car there full of my stuff.

I must say it was not what I expected at all. It was like camping but a neighborhood of homeless people making due with what they had. Which was a legal address and and a place to park all your stuff. Your neighbors were your security and everyone needed to get along.

I met Kyle with in thirty seconds of parking my dads car. Who as predicted was at work and not available. Yes it seemed very strange he would know where the extra key to my dads camper and everything he owns. For the next thirty minutes he explains he lives there with his grandmother and his dad. His dad is a truck driver and on the road most of the time. He does gay stuff for money, including with my dad. Which is why he knows where the spare key was.

I cannot see my dad doing gay stuff, and no with a guy four years older than myself. Kyle said he can tell when I guy is lonely enough to try gay stuff. he explain the first time is free no matter what you want to do. After that it cost fifty bucks no matter what you want to do. I ask the obvious question. How much are your making a week? His response was about 500 dollars a week. His dad sends him clients he meets on the road. His dad fools around with other truck drivers sometimes too.

I was freaking all this could be true. Then he pulls out a pot tray with weed and a pipe papers and asks if I get high. It's my dads we smoke a little. I knew my dad had smoked pot in the past so that was one bit of info that made since. He loads and passes the pipe and I take a measured hit just so I don't cough me lungs out afterwards. Not too harsh on my virgin lungs and a almost instant buzz. The fact dad let him have access to all of this my dad must trust him. So I finally asked the question what is the tattoo on my dads butt. He laughed and without hesitation said a pair of lips on one cheek and kiss my ass on the other cheek.

Fine I was ready to believe him and then he asks what gay stuff do I want to do for free. I explained I had never does most straight stuff but my last girlfriend would attempt oral sex. It never did work on its own and was always a disappointment. It did not actively have to participate just respond positively to stimuli of pleasure. It was still weird dropping my pants. Him getting on his knees between my legs. Then a minute later I realized he knew exactly what he was doing, and I would happily pay fifty dollars to experience this again. Not sure how he did the but the torcher went on for a good three minutes. I closed my eyes and unloaded years of pent-up attempts at this very thing.

Kyle was overly impress with himself and me while I was still in recovery mode. I will be the first to admit I was not worried in the least bit that a guy did that. It just did matter anymore he had proved himself worthy and willing and that was all that was important. He went on and he climbed up from his position and onto my lap and started to kiss me my neck. One again this was him doing stuff to me I just laid back and let things happen. Then he puts my body part in his body part and more gay stuff. This time not so one sided once I realized what was happening and maybe it was his idea. I roll over on top and do hard core gay stuff, with Kyle's butt.

I remember looking at my watch and thinking in town for three hours and lost my virginity and and did hard core gay stuff and then i passed out. Needless to say my dad freaked when he walked in found us naked on the couch together asleep. He woke us up asked me what the hell happened. I just said he talked me into doing gay stuff with him. Kyle was quick to exit saying he should check on his grandmother. The my dad said I just came from their she is fine and asking about you. Explain Kyles father will be there in the morning and then looks at me and states. I do gay stuff with Kyles dad when he is around. Once and only once did I do gay stuff with Kyle and I was on the phone with his father went it happened.

At the age of eighteen my life just got weird. Kyle had access due to my dad dating his dad. The public showers is where Kyle saw my dads tattoo and turn into a orgy at anytime after ten pm. Kyle swears all guys do guy stuff. Dad seems to think if you put a gun to most guys heads they would do gay stuff before taking a bullet these days. Kyle was begging for me to be his boyfriend. Which I thought I might be able to pull off but he still want to hook up for money. Say's he needs the income. Both our dads were trying to convince me he does not really hook up that much. Claiming it was more like 500 $ a month not a week.

Kyle got his feelings hurt in the process. Asked his dad how much he gives him each month for the bills. His dad claims four to five hundred dollars. Then he pulled up hid bank account on his cell phone. Guys are paying him by Zelle and he has a little over 24 thousand dollars after two years of living here. Some were truck drivers and monthly, some lived in the park and were weekly. Ten to fifteen guys a week at fifty bucks a pop. His dad had no idea, Kyle had saved that much money. In the same amount of time Kyles dad had saved six thousand dollars. He was screaming we should be buying a house.

Weird enough both our dads come up with a plan to sell both campers to get a house. First they use them a collateral for a bank loan, and with that and the money from saving we had a down payment for a house. They they sold the both after we had a place to live. Kyle had to give up his self employment position due to a change of location. Despite having separate bedrooms Kyle would stop by every night to say goodnight. I would give him a fifty dolor bill and invite him into my room for gay stuff. The next morning he would retune the fifty and say that was on me. We played that game for over two years and I never got a better offer for happily ever after. So, Kyle and i eventually got hitched. As did both of our dads.

All Guys are Gay - Story Time Blog


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