Freddie and I have been best friends since high school. We go surfing together, party together, and have share girlfriends within days of each other. Sadly at the age of twenty three we are known as a couple. We are the bevies and butthead, of our community. Roommates in a two bedroom slightly off beach apartment. We are the only two official employees of Ocean Beach Famous Ice Cream Shop since 1956 serving sixty-nine flavors
Opened Monday thru Saturday from noon to ten pm. During the summer we have more help. When I say we my sixty-nine year old grandmother owns it. Freddie and I run it together under her watchful eye.
Weird stuff in my life my most recent parents that adopted me at the age of thirteen die in a car wreck my senior year of high school. So my grandmother became my parent for three months and three days upon which I turned eighteen years old. In theory I have no relation to her. Her son and daughter n law picked me out of all the kids that was looking to go home with anyone. All that was five years ago. Grandma lives in a four bedroom apartment above the cream shop. She would let us in every morning and have coffee and breakfast waiting. She would help us get the shop opened and go up stairs to watch TV. Grandma comes down to change the Register out at 5PM. Our Friday starts Thursday at 5PM to Friday at five PM. She come down at seven with a deposit for the bank. At to tell us how we did. The last 24 hours was 22 percent higher that a year ago. Grandma's goal is 18 percent for the year and we were on our way to beat that.
She says good night and heads upstairs to go to bed. She got almost to the top and just fell holding onto the rail it was let she was laying down on the steps upside down in slow motion. Then her arm lets go and she slides down the steps head first. Freddy got to her first I was calling 911. She was alive but passed out cold. The ambulance at the beach was a minute away. They actual got her to talk a little bit. They take her to the hospital. We close the shop and put our phone number on the door.
She was sound asleep when we got there, doctor says it was a stroke, they want to watch her for a few days. The all know her personally, she is the ice cream lady. Which bring us back to Freddy and I as a couple. The Ice Cream twins the EMT thought we were brothers because we are always together. The Domino's delivery driver and I quote "Whoa, you are the two gay dudes for the ice cream place". The doctor is telling us to go home get some sleep and come see her for breakfast. It was eight thirty on a Thursday night we hit the Beach Bar for beers and a round of what if.
What happen when grandma goes was top on my mind. I the adopted kid with too many temporary families would be alone at last. No one was left to come to the rescue and claim me as theirs. I swear we paid for the first beer and someone at the bar got us the next one.
Five beers later were passed the point of buzzed. We cross the street to the shop and go upstairs to grandma apartment. I pick my favorite spare bedroom and tell Freddy he has to sleep with me. We can only mess up one room.
Not sure why but I start crying and we end up cuddling. Thirty minutes later we started doing gay stuff badly due to alcohol. I got to say Freddy seem to know how to do gay stuff on over drive. Like he has had some practice at this.
Freddy - I know we are drunk but I thing we should make love we prove we got each other.
Me - I love you bro. Make me gay.
To be honest I had zero clue what I was agreeing to. No idea why I bottomed first, except he talked me into it. Why I got so into it was a bit mind blowing for both of us. Freddy eyes make me do gay stuff. He says my body makes him gay. Yet he has never done gay stuff before He does however have a gay porn addiction. He has just been waiting for someone to be gay with. He was hoping it would be me. But did not think that could or would ever happen with me. No one is in a hurry to be gay, when they don't have anyone to be gay with. He ran downstairs naked and got us bottle waters. He made me drink it all before we curled up with each other and passed out. Just to wake up and do it again. Even better the second time. Freddy kept repeating I love you so much.
We admitted we were gay for each other and no one else. I called the hospital and grandma was fine, awake, and talking to her doctors. Visiting hours start at ten. Twenty minutes later we were having sex again. He wanted to try a different position. I was having issues resisting but I loved teasing him, and making out with him. Finally I say fine fuck me and my cell phone goes off. It's grandma.
Me - Hello Grandma is that you?
Grandma - Yes honey It's me is Freddy there?
Freddy - Your on speaker grandma I can hear you.
Grandma - You boys get the shop opened today and you can pick me up and bring me home tomorrow. I think it's time you boy's move in to my apartment. What do you think?
You won't have to pay rent so that will save you both some money.
Me - We would love to grandma. What room should we take?
Grandma - The Red or Green room if you want separate rooms and you share a bathroom. The Blue room has a private bath if you are a couple it would be better. Otherwise the Blue room could be a guest room with a private bath.
Freddy - Grandma why would you suggest we share a room?
Grandma - Everyone thinks you are a couple in the perfect relationship. Not because you gay, but because they know you guys love each other. You put the other first. You are two of the hottest guys on the beach. The question is do you like gay sex? Are you brave enough to find out after all this time?
Me - Weird you should say that grandma because we checked out doing gay stuff for the first time just last night. We are both gay and in love with each other.
Freddy - We want the blue room grandma, we are official a gay couple. How are you feeling because we need you at our wedding.
Grandma - I will be there. Go make some coffee and wake up. I have a feeling you are going to be very busy today.
All Before Coffee - Story Time Blog